Interface BranchCreationFacade

All Known Implementing Classes:

@ExperimentalApi public interface BranchCreationFacade
Facade that orchestrates plan branches creation
  • Method Details

    • createOrEnableChainsBranches

      void createOrEnableChainsBranches(@NotNull @NotNull List<ImmutableChain> chains, @NotNull @NotNull PlanBranchWorkflow planBranchWorkflow, @NotNull @NotNull Function<VcsBranchConfigurator,VcsBranch> vcsBranchProvider, @NotNull @NotNull Function<ImmutableChain,BuildConfiguration> buildConfigurationProvider, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<PlanKey> planBranchConsumer)
      Given a list of plans and a vcs branch creates plan branches for those chains, queuing RSS execution if required. If branch name conflicts with an existing plan branch, the name will be automatically generated.
      chains - list of plans for which plan branches should be created
      planBranchWorkflow - workflow which led to creation of these branches
      vcsBranchProvider - provides VcsBranch to use when overriding repository definition
      buildConfigurationProvider - provides a default fragment of configuration to create the chain branch with
      planBranchConsumer - code should be executed before triggering events that new plan created
    • createOrEnableChainsBranches

      void createOrEnableChainsBranches(@NotNull @NotNull List<ImmutableChain> chains, @NotNull @NotNull PlanBranchWorkflow planBranchWorkflow, @NotNull @NotNull Function<VcsBranchConfigurator,VcsBranch> vcsBranchProvider, @NotNull @NotNull Function<ImmutableChain,BuildConfiguration> buildConfigurationProvider, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<PlanKey> planBranchConsumer, Optional<VcsPullRequest> pullRequest)
      Given a list of plans and a vcs branch creates plan branches for those chains, queuing RSS execution if required. The overloaded method is aimed to deal with pull requests. If branch name conflicts with an existing plan branch, the name will be automatically generated.
      chains - list of plans for which plan branches should be created
      planBranchWorkflow - workflow which led to creation of these branches
      vcsBranchProvider - provides VcsBranch to use when overriding repository definition
      buildConfigurationProvider - provides a default fragment of configuration to create the chain branch with
      planBranchConsumer - code should be executed before triggering events that new plan created
      pullRequest - optional pull requests object which contains potential source repository information
    • enableExistingChainBranch

      void enableExistingChainBranch(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain masterChain, @NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChainBranch existingChainBranch)
      Enables existing chain branch, queuing RSS execution if required. Does nothing if chain branch doesn't exist.
    • enableExistingChainBranch

      void enableExistingChainBranch(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain masterChain, @NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChainBranch existingChainBranch, Optional<VcsPullRequest> pullRequest)
      Enables existing chain branch, queuing RSS execution if required. Does nothing if chain branch doesn't exist. The decision about queuing RSS execution may depend on the pull request state.
    • createManualBranches

      @NotNull @NotNull List<ChainBranchCreationResult> createManualBranches(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain chain, @NotNull @NotNull Collection<VcsBranch> branches, @Nullable @Nullable ErrorCollection errorCollection, @NotNull PlanCreationService.EnablePlan enablePlan)
      Given a list of branches names, create plan branches for them under give chain. Enqueues RSS execution if required. Branches created using this method are excluded from expiration by default. Branches are considered to be "manual branches"
      chain - chain for which plan branches should be created
      branches - branches to create
      errorCollection - to add errors to, if you don't supply an error collection, they will just get logged
      enablePlan - defines whether newly created branches should be enabled or disabled after creation
      collection of branch keys (for created lightweight branches) and RSS executions futures (for enqueued divergent branches)
    • createChainBranch

      @NotNull @NotNull ChainBranchCreationResult createChainBranch(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain chain, @NotNull @NotNull PlanBranchWorkflow planBranchWorkflow, @NotNull @NotNull String branchName, @Nullable @Nullable String branchDescription, @Nullable @Nullable VcsBranch vcsBranch, @NotNull PlanCreationService.EnablePlan enablePlan, boolean enableExpiry) throws PlanCreationDeniedException, WebValidationException
      Given a branch name and (optionally) vcs branch name, creates a plan branch, overriding repository definition. Returns either plan branch key if lightweight branch was created or future reference if divergent branch creation has been queued.
      chain - chain for which plan branches should be created
      planBranchWorkflow - workflow which led to creation of this chain branch
      branchName - name of plan branch to create
      branchDescription - optional description of the new branch
      vcsBranch - VCS branch to use when overriding repository definition
      enablePlan - defines whether newly created branches should be enabled or disabled after creation
      enableExpiry - defines whether created branch can be removed due to branch expiration detection
      PlanCreationDeniedException - if chain branch creation was denied for any reason
      WebValidationException - if there were validation errors
    • createChainBranch

      @Nullable @Nullable ChainBranchCreationResult createChainBranch(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain chain, @NotNull @NotNull PlanBranchWorkflow planBranchWorkflow, @NotNull @NotNull String branchName, @Nullable @Nullable String branchDescription, @Nullable @Nullable VcsBranch vcsBranch, @NotNull PlanCreationService.EnablePlan enablePlan, boolean enableExpiry, @NotNull @NotNull com.atlassian.struts.ValidationAware validationAware) throws PlanCreationDeniedException
      Given a branch name and (optionally) vcs branch name, creates a plan branch, overriding repository definition. Returns either plan branch key if lightweight branch was created or future reference if divergent branch creation has been queued.
      chain - chain to create branches under
      planBranchWorkflow - which workflow led to creation of this chain branch
      branchName - name of plan branch to create
      branchDescription - optional description of the new branch
      vcsBranch - VCS branch to use when overriding repository definition
      enablePlan - defines whether newly created branches should be enabled or disabled after creation
      enableExpiry - defines whether created branch can be removed due to branch expiration detection
      validationAware - to add errors to
      Null if there were validation errors. Otherwise either key of newly created lightweight plan branch or RSS execution future for enqueued divergent branch
      PlanCreationDeniedException - if chain branch creation was denied for any reason
    • scheduleBranchListInitialisation

      boolean scheduleBranchListInitialisation(@NotNull @NotNull Chain chain)
      Schedules initialisation of existing vcs branch list. The next branch detection for the chain will only seek for existing branches but will not create any ChainBranches.
      chain - chain which vcs branches list should be initialized
      false if another detection for this chain is already in progress or in queue
      IllegalStateException - if plan doesn't have default repository
    • getOpenBranches

      @Nullable @Nullable List<VcsBranch> getOpenBranches(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain chain, @Nullable @Nullable ErrorCollection errorCollection)
      Returns a list of currently open branches for the chain's default repository List ordering determined by underlying repository (preference is for native ordering e.g. last updated first for hg)
      chain - to find branches for
      errorCollection - to add errors to
      a list of currently open branches for the chain's default repository or null if there were errors fetching branches list
    • getOpenBranches

      @Nullable @Nullable List<VcsBranch> getOpenBranches(@NotNull @NotNull ImmutableChain chain, @Nullable @Nullable ErrorCollection errorCollection, @NotNull @NotNull Optional<String> searchTerm)
      Returns a list of currently open branches for the chain's default repository List filtered by optional case-insensitive searchTerm. Ordering determined by underlying repository (preference is for native ordering e.g. last updated first for hg)
      chain - to find branches for
      errorCollection - to add errors to
      searchTerm - optional search term that has to appear inside branch name
      a list of currently open branches for the chain's default repository or null if there were errors fetching branches list