Interface PlanExecutionLaunchControl

All Known Implementing Classes:

@ExperimentalApi public interface PlanExecutionLaunchControl
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • schedule

      void schedule(@NotNull @NotNull TriggerableInternalKey triggerableInternalKey, @Nullable @Nullable BuildDetectionAction buildDetectionAction, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<PlanExecutionLaunchControl.ReleaseLocksActions> runnableBody)
      Scheduling the TriggerableInternalKey to execute. The launch control will execute the request once it is the most effective. All scheduled actions will be eventually executed.
      triggerableInternalKey - key of the triggerable that asked for execution
      buildDetectionAction - action in which context the execution will be made
      runnableBody - the side effect that will be executed once the launch control decides it is the best time to do so
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clears the whole internal state of the launch control object by removing the tracking of currently acquired locks.