Class CommentNotification

All Implemented Interfaces:
ExtendedNotification, Notification, Notification.HtmlImContentProvidingNotification

@NotThreadSafe public class CommentNotification extends AbstractNotification implements ExtendedNotification

This class is used to generate content for Build Commented Notifications. If you wish to customise the default notifications, please see the online Bamboo documentation:

The notification templates are written in Freemarker markup. The object context below provides information about Bamboo builds that you can insert in the Freemarker markup of your notification templates.

Object Context:

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CommentNotification

      public CommentNotification()
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      @NotNull public @NotNull String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: Notification
      Text describing this notification object - used for logging/debugging purposes.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface Notification
      Notification's description
    • getTextEmailContent

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getTextEmailContent() throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Notification
      Generates the text email content for the notifications
      Specified by:
      getTextEmailContent in interface Notification
      Email content formatted as text for this notification
      Exception - if there is a problem preventing production of the e-mail content.
    • getHtmlEmailContent

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getHtmlEmailContent() throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Notification
      Generates the html for the html part of an email notification.
      Specified by:
      getHtmlEmailContent in interface Notification
      Email content formatted as HTML for this notification
      Exception - if there is a problem preventing production of the e-mail content.
    • getEmailSubject

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getEmailSubject() throws Exception
      Description copied from interface: Notification
      Retrieves the subject for the notification.
      Specified by:
      getEmailSubject in interface Notification
      Email subject for this notification
      Exception - if there is a problem preventing production of the e-mail subject.
    • getIMContent

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getIMContent()
      Description copied from interface: Notification
      Retrieves the content for the IM notification
      Specified by:
      getIMContent in interface Notification
      IM message content for this notification
    • getHtmlImContent

      @Nullable public @Nullable String getHtmlImContent()
      Specified by:
      getHtmlImContent in interface Notification.HtmlImContentProvidingNotification
      getHtmlImContent in class AbstractNotification
    • updateEmail

      @NotNull public @NotNull com.atlassian.mail.Email updateEmail(@NotNull @NotNull com.atlassian.mail.Email email)
      Sets the email from-name to the user that wrote the comment (if the user exists)
      Specified by:
      updateEmail in interface ExtendedNotification
      email - - prepopulated email
      email with updated from-name
    • setPlanManager

      public void setPlanManager(PlanManager planManager)
    • setResultsSummaryManager

      public void setResultsSummaryManager(ResultsSummaryManager resultsSummaryManager)
    • setTemplateRenderer

      public void setTemplateRenderer(TemplateRenderer templateRenderer)
    • setGravatarService

      public void setGravatarService(GravatarService gravatarService)