Interface DeploymentVersionChainResultDataCollector

All Known Implementing Classes:

@Internal public interface DeploymentVersionChainResultDataCollector
  • Method Details

    • createChangesetsAndJiraIssues

      void createChangesetsAndJiraIssues(long deploymentProjectId, @NotNull @NotNull MutableDeploymentVersion mutableDeploymentVersion, @NotNull @NotNull PlanResultKey planResultKey)
      Finds changes between last version (if it exists) and a new version by looking at build results that happened between the 2 versions and saves them to the db.
      deploymentProjectId - id of the Deployment Project version is related to
      mutableDeploymentVersion - version being created
      planResultKey - the key of build result this version is created from
    • findChangesetsAndJiraIssues

      @NotNull @NotNull Pair<List<MutableDeploymentVersionVcsChangeset>,List<InternalLinkedJiraIssue>> findChangesetsAndJiraIssues(long deploymentProjectId, @Nullable @Nullable MutableDeploymentVersion newVersion, @NotNull @NotNull PlanResultKey planResultKey)
      Finds changes between last version (if it exists) and a new version by looking at build results that happened between the 2 versions.
      deploymentProjectId - id of the Deployment Project version is related to
      newVersion - version being created - might be null if we don't want to save anything in db
      planResultKey - the key of build result this version is created from
      Pair.getFirst() - list of changesets, Pair.getSecond() - list of JIRA issues
    • findImmutableChangesetsAndJiraIssues

      @NotNull @NotNull Pair<List<DeploymentVersionVcsChangeset>,List<InternalLinkedJiraIssue>> findImmutableChangesetsAndJiraIssues(long deploymentProjectId, @Nullable @Nullable MutableDeploymentVersion newVersion, @NotNull @NotNull PlanResultKey planResultKey)
      Finds changes between last version (if it exists) and a new version by looking at build results that happened between the 2 versions.
      deploymentProjectId - id of the Deployment Project version is related to
      newVersion - version being created - might be null if we don't want to save anything in db
      planResultKey - the key of build result this version is created from
      Pair.getFirst() - list of immutable changesets, Pair.getSecond() - list of JIRA issues