Interface InternalDeploymentResult

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DeploymentResult, MutableDeploymentResult
All Known Implementing Classes:
DeploymentResultImpl, MutableDeploymentResultImpl, RestDeploymentResult, RestDeploymentResultWithLogs

public interface InternalDeploymentResult extends BambooIdProvider
  • Method Details

    • getId

      long getId()
      Specified by:
      getId in interface BambooIdProvider
    • getDeploymentVersionName

      @NotNull @NotNull String getDeploymentVersionName()
    • getDeploymentState

      @NotNull @NotNull BuildState getDeploymentState()
    • getLifeCycleState

      @NotNull @NotNull LifeCycleState getLifeCycleState()
    • getStartedDate

      @Nullable @Nullable Date getStartedDate()
      when deployment result execution initiated, e.g. triggered or manually executed by user. Set with LifeCycleState.PENDING state.
    • getQueuedDate

      @Nullable @Nullable Date getQueuedDate()
      when deployment result added to queue. Set with LifeCycleState.QUEUED state.
    • getExecutedDate

      @Nullable @Nullable Date getExecutedDate()
      when deployment result sent to agent for execution. Set with LifeCycleState.IN_PROGRESS state.
    • getFinishedDate

      @Nullable @Nullable Date getFinishedDate()
      when deployment result execution was finished. Set with LifeCycleState.FINAL_STATES states.
    • getAgentId

      Long getAgentId()
    • getAgentType

      @Nullable @Nullable AgentType getAgentType()
    • getEnvironmentId

      long getEnvironmentId()
    • getTriggerReason

      @NotNull @NotNull TriggerReason getTriggerReason()