Interface EnvironmentTaskService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface EnvironmentTaskService
Services and functionality for dealing with tasks of environments.
  • Method Details

    • createTask

      TaskDefinition createTask(long environmentId, @NotNull @NotNull TaskModuleDescriptor taskDescriptor, @Nullable @Nullable String userDescription, boolean isEnabled, @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,String> configuration) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Create a new task in the environment
      environmentId - environment task belongs to
      taskDescriptor - of the task type
      userDescription - of the configured task
      isEnabled - is the Task Enabled
      configuration - map of all data to be saved for the task.
      created taskDefinition
      IllegalArgumentException - if no environment with environmentId can be found
    • createTask

      TaskDefinition createTask(long environmentId, @NotNull @NotNull TaskModuleDescriptor taskDescriptor, @Nullable @Nullable String userDescription, boolean isEnabled, @NotNull @NotNull List<TaskConditionConfig> conditions, @NotNull @NotNull Map<String,String> configuration) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Create a new task in the environment
      environmentId - environment task belongs to
      taskDescriptor - of the task type
      userDescription - of the configured task
      isEnabled - is the Task Enabled
      conditions - task conditions
      configuration - map of all data to be saved for the task.
      created taskDefinition
      IllegalArgumentException - if no environment with environmentId can be found
    • editTask

      TaskDefinition editTask(long environmentId, long taskId, String userDescription, boolean isEnabled, Map<String,String> taskConfigurationMap)
      Edit an existing task in the environment
      environmentId - environment task belongs to
      taskId - of the task being edited
      userDescription - user defined description of the configured task
      isEnabled - is the Task Enabled
      taskConfigurationMap - map of all data to be saved for the task.
      taskDefinition with changes applied
    • editTask

      TaskDefinition editTask(long environmentId, long taskId, String userDescription, boolean isEnabled, @NotNull @NotNull List<TaskConditionConfig> conditions, Map<String,String> taskConfigurationMap)
      Edit an existing task in the environment
      environmentId - environment task belongs to
      taskId - of the task being edited
      userDescription - user defined description of the configured task
      isEnabled - is the Task Enabled
      taskConfigurationMap - map of all data to be saved for the task.
      taskDefinition with changes applied
    • deleteTask

      void deleteTask(long environmentId, long taskId)
      Delete a task from the environment
      environmentId - environment task belongs to
      taskId - task to delete
    • moveTask

      void moveTask(long environmentId, long taskId, long beforeId, long afterId, boolean isFinal)
      Move a taskDefinition from one spot in its list, to another. And save changes. Uses the before and after tasks to ensure that the task list is in the same state the user saw when editing.
      environmentId - the environment the taskDefinition is in
      taskId - ID of the TaskDefinition to move
      beforeId - ID of the taskDefinition that will be before the moving Task, -1 if the beginning of the list
      afterId - ID of the taskDefinition that will be after the moving Task, -1 if the end of the list
      isFinal - whether the task being moved is finalising or not, may or may not require changing.
      IllegalArgumentException - if environment does not exist, or the task to move doesn't exist
      IllegalStateException - if the task list is not in the expected order, i.e there have been incompatable changes made to the list since the move request was sent.
    • moveFinalBar

      void moveFinalBar(long environmentId, long beforeId, long afterId) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Moves the final Bar to a specific location in the list.
      environmentId - - the environment the task list belongs to
      beforeId - - the id of the task we want before the bar, -1 if beginning of list
      afterId - - the id of the task we want after the bar, -1 if end of list
      IllegalArgumentException - if environment does not exist
      IllegalStateException - if task list has changed since move requested
    • updateRepositoryIdsInTasks

      void updateRepositoryIdsInTasks(@NotNull @NotNull Environment environment, Map<Long,Long> repositoryIdsChanges)