Interface DockerHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultDockerHandlerImpl, TestDockerHandler

@ExperimentalApi public interface DockerHandler
Implementations provide UI options for the Job/Environment Docker tab. Experimental API, work in progress.
  • Method Details

    • getEditHtml

      String getEditHtml()
      Renders the edit page.
    • getViewHtml

      String getViewHtml()
      Renders the view page.
    • isEnabled

      boolean isEnabled()
      Returns enablement state of the implementation. Typically either 0 or 1 of the implementations are enabled.
      true if enabled.
    • getIsolationType

      String getIsolationType()
      Identifier of Docker isolation type.
    • validateConfig

      ErrorCollection validateConfig(Map<String,Object> webFragmentsContextMap)
      Construct configuration from webFragmentContextMap and validate that the config is valid.
      webFragmentsContextMap -
    • enableAndUpdate

      void enableAndUpdate(BuildDefinition buildDefinition, Job job, Map<String,Object> webFragmentsContextMap)
      Called for the selected Docker isolation option in Job related UIs. The implementation is to construct the object from webFragmentsContextMap and store it in provided buildDefinition that is later stored by the infrastructure.
      buildDefinition -
      job -
      webFragmentsContextMap -
    • enableAndUpdate

      void enableAndUpdate(Environment environment, Map<String,Object> webFragmentsContextMap)
      Called for the selected Docker isolation option in Environment related UIs. The implementation is to construct the object from webFragmentsContextMap and save the new values.
      environment -
      webFragmentsContextMap -
    • disable

      void disable(BuildDefinition buildDefinition, Job job)
      Called for Docker isolation options that were not selected in Job related UIs. The implementation is to disable itself, perform cleanup of configuration in provided buildDefition object.
      buildDefinition -
      job -
    • disable

      void disable(Environment environment)
      Called for Docker isolation options that were not selected in Environment related UIs.
      environment -
    • appendConfiguration

      void appendConfiguration(BuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, Map<String,Object> webFragmentsContextMap, boolean enabled)