Package com.atlassian.applinks.api.event

Events fired from applinks to indicate key changes.


Interface Summary
LinkEvent A marker interface for all events fired from this plugin

Class Summary
ApplicationLinkAddedEvent This event is broadcast after an application link is added and the new primary optionally set.
ApplicationLinkAuthConfigChangedEvent This event is broadcast after the authentication configuration of an application link has changed.
ApplicationLinkDeletedEvent This event is broadcast after an application link is deleted and the new primary optionally set.
ApplicationLinkDetailsChangedEvent This event is broadcast after an application link's details (e.g., name or display URL) have changed.
ApplicationLinkEvent Base class for events emitted when an ApplicationLink is modified.
ApplicationLinksIDChangedEvent This event is emitted by the even system when an Application Link's unique ID changed.
EntityLinkAddedEvent This event is broadcast after an entity link is added and the new primary optionally set.
EntityLinkDeletedEvent This event is broadcast after an entity link is deleted and the new primary optionally set.
EntityLinkEvent Base class for events emitted when an EntityLink is modified

Package com.atlassian.applinks.api.event Description

Events fired from applinks to indicate key changes. These events can be subscribed to by using com.atlassian.event.api.EventPublisher


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