Version 0.2.5.dev0
Local State¶
- class aiolocals.Context(ident=None, locals=None, parent=None)¶
Tracks a context, or set of locals for a given task. Should only be used as a context manager or via wrap_async
- class aiolocals.Local¶
An object that stores different state for different task contexts. Meant to be used with Context.
To use within a Context, simply set arbitrary attributes on this object and they will be tracked automatically.
- aiolocals.wrap_async(coro, **kwargs)¶
Wraps a coroutine with a Task that runs in the background. It ensures any context information is transferred to the new task
Parameters: coro – The coroutine to wrap as an asynchronous task
- aiolocals.wrap_gather(*tasks, loop=None, return_exceptions=False)¶
Return a task aggregating results from the given tasks. Any context information for each task if transferred to the new task
Parameters: tasks – Coroutines or tasks to perform
- aiolocals.configure_logging(service_name, debug=True, logconf=None)¶
Configure logging with service name. Should be called one time when the service starts.
Parameters: - service_name – The service name to prefix the logs with
- debug – Whether to configure debug logging or not
- logconf (aiolocals.log.LogConfiguration) – The LogConfiguration inheritor which is capable of providing interface for initialization of common logging configuration bits.
- class aiolocals.LogConfiguration¶
Inherit from this class and then pass the instance of inheritor to adjust logging configuration for your asyncio application
- format = '{}: [%(request_path)s#%(request_id)s] %(levelname)s - %(message)s'¶
The expression which should be used as format of the sole logging formatter.
- get_filters()¶
This should return iterable of logging.Filter subclasses, which will be used
- get_formatter()¶
Override this method to get your specific formatter to be in use for the app. For example, for logging the time of time format in UTC:
class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter): converter = time.gmtime class MyLogConf(LogConfiguration): def get_formatter(self): return MyFormatter(fmt=self.format.format(self.name))
- get_log_handler(debug)¶
This should return logging handler instance.
- get_logging_level(debug)¶
Override me to use your specific log level, depending on application debug mode.
- name = None¶
The name of the service. Defaults to the first paraemter of :func:configure_logging(), or process title if None passed
- class aiolocals.RequestIdLoggingFilter(name='')¶
A filter that adds the request_id and request_path attributes to the record, if available.
aiohttp Integration¶
- aiolocals.context_middleware_factory(app, handler)¶
A aiohttp middleware factory for wrapping each request with id/path information in task-local variable
Parameters: - app (aiohttp.web.Application) – The aiohttp app
- handler (function) – The next middleware handler
Tracking local context in threads¶
- aiolocals.local.preserve_context_in_threads The context manager which preserves task identity in threads spawned by task[source]¶
Usage example:
some_local = Local() def some_calculations(): time.sleep(1) print("BTW, spam is %s" % some_local.spam) @asyncio.coroutine def main_multithreaded(): with Context(locals=(some_local,)): some_local.spam = 'ham' with preserve_context_in_threads(): yield from asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(ThreadPoolExecutor(1), some_calculations)