public interface


implements PullRequestSupplier

Class Overview

A service for the management of pull requests and their comments.

About pull request IDs: Each pull request has two repositories associated with it: The repository changesets will be merged from, and the repository they will be merged to. Pull request IDs are scoped to the target repository, and each method accepting a repository ID, unless otherwise documented, expects the ID of that repository. Also note that pull request IDs start from 1 in each target repository; they are not globally unique.


Public Methods
@Nonnull Comment addComment(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String commentText)
Adds a general comment to the pull request.
@Nonnull Comment addDiffComment(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, AddDiffCommentRequest request)
Adds a line comment to a diff in a pull request.
@Nonnull Comment addFileComment(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, AddFileCommentRequest request)
Adds a file-level comment to the pull request.
@Nonnull Comment addReply(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId, String commentText)
Adds a reply to a comment
@Nonnull PullRequestParticipant approve(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Allows a user to give their approval to a pull request.
@Nonnull PullRequestParticipant assignRole(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String username, PullRequestRole role)
Assigns a participant to an explicit role in pull request.
PullRequestMergeability canMerge(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Retrieves a flag indicating whether the specified pull request can be merged by the system or must be manually merged by a user.
long count(PullRequestSearchRequest request)
Counts the number of pull requests which match the specified search criteria.
@Deprecated long countChangesetsFor(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
This method is deprecated. in 3.11 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Use countCommits(int, long) instead.
long countCommits(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Counts the number of commits a pull request has.
@Deprecated long countForParticipant(StashUser user, PullRequestRole role, Boolean approved, PullRequestState state)
This method is deprecated. in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use count(PullRequestSearchRequest) instead
@Deprecated long countInDirection(PullRequestDirection direction, int repositoryId, PullRequestState state)
This method is deprecated. in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use count(PullRequestSearchRequest) instead
@Nonnull TaskCount countTasks(PullRequestTaskSearchRequest searchRequest)
Counts the number of tasks in a pull request.
@Nonnull PullRequest create(String title, String description, Set<String> reviewers, Repository fromRepository, String fromBranchId, Repository toRepository, String toBranchId)
Creates a pull request from the supplied repository and branch to the supplied repository and branch with the given title and description.
@Nonnull PullRequest decline(PullRequestDeclineRequest request)
Declines a pull request.
@Deprecated @Nonnull PullRequest decline(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, int version)
This method is deprecated. in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use decline(PullRequestDeclineRequest) instead
boolean deleteComment(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId, int commentVersion)
Deletes a pull request comment
@Deprecated @Nonnull Page<PullRequest> findByParticipant(StashUser user, PullRequestRole role, Boolean approved, PullRequestState state, PullRequestOrder order, PageRequest pageRequest)
This method is deprecated. in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use search(PullRequestSearchRequest, PageRequest) instead
@Nonnull Iterable<DiffCommentAnchor> findCommentAnchors(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String path)
Get diff anchors for a given pull request and a path affected by that pull request.
@Nonnull Page<? extends PullRequestActivity> getActivities(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the activities for a given pull request.
@Nonnull Set<PullRequestActivity> getActivitiesById(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, Set<Long> activityIds)
Retrieves the specified activities of the given pull request.
@Nonnull PullRequestActivityPage<? extends PullRequestActivity> getActivitiesStartingAt(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PullRequestEntityType fromType, long fromId, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves the page of activities that start with an entity (given its type and id) for the given pull request.
@Nullable PullRequest getById(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Retrieves a pull request by its ID, within the specified repository.
@Deprecated @Nonnull Page<Changeset> getChangesets(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)
This method is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Use getCommits(int, long, PageRequest) instead.
@Nonnull Comment getComment(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId)
Retrieves a comment for the given comment id and pull request id.
@Nonnull Page<Commit> getCommits(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the commits for a given pull request.
@Nonnull Page<? extends PullRequestParticipant> getParticipants(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)
Retrieves a page of the participants for a given pull request.
@Deprecated @Nonnull PullRequest merge(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, int version)
This method is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. Use merge(PullRequestMergeRequest), which allows specifying a commit message, instead.
@Nonnull PullRequest merge(PullRequestMergeRequest request)
Merges a pull request.
@Nonnull PullRequest reopen(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, int version)
Reopens a pull request.
@Nonnull Page<PullRequest> search(PullRequestSearchRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull requests depending on the request passed in.
@Nonnull Page<PullRequestActivity> searchActivities(PullRequestActivitySearchRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of pull request activities depending on the request passed in.
@Nonnull Page<Task> searchTasks(PullRequestTaskSearchRequest searchRequest, PageRequest pageRequest)
Finds a single page of @{link Task tasks} belonging to this pull request depending on the request passed in.
void streamChanges(PullRequestChangesRequest request, ChangeCallback callback)
Streams changes for the specified PullRequest to the provided ChangeCallback.
@Deprecated void streamChangesets(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, ChangesetCallback callback)
This method is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Use streamCommits(int, long, CommitCallback) instead.
void streamCommits(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, CommitCallback callback)
Streams commits for the specified pull request.
void streamDiff(PullRequestDiffRequest request, DiffContentCallback callback)
Streams the Diff for the specified file path within the PullRequest to the provided DiffContentCallback.
void unassignRole(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String username)
Unassigns a participant from any explicit role they may have been given in a pull request.
boolean unwatch(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Removes the current user as a watcher of the given pull request.
@Nonnull PullRequest update(PullRequestUpdateRequest request)
Updates a pull request's title and description.
@Nonnull Comment updateComment(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId, int commentVersion, String commentText)
Updates the pull request comment's text
@Nonnull Watcher watch(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Adds the current user as a watcher of the given pull request.
@Nonnull PullRequestParticipant withdrawApproval(int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)
Allows the current user to withdraw their approval of a pull request.
Inherited Methods
From interface com.atlassian.stash.pull.PullRequestSupplier

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Comment addComment (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String commentText)

Adds a general comment to the pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
commentText the comment text
  • the created comment
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public Comment addDiffComment (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, AddDiffCommentRequest request)

Adds a line comment to a diff in a pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
request a request describing the comment to create
  • the created line comment
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
ArgumentValidationException if the request contains invalid data

@Nonnull public Comment addFileComment (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, AddFileCommentRequest request)

Adds a file-level comment to the pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
request a request describing the comment to create
  • the created comment
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public Comment addReply (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId, String commentText)

Adds a reply to a comment

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
commentId the ID of the comment being replied to
commentText the comment text
  • the created comment
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
NoSuchCommentException if no comment exists with the specified ID

@Nonnull public PullRequestParticipant approve (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Allows a user to give their approval to a pull request. If they aren't already a participant of the pull request they are made one first. If the user has already already provided their approval this operation has no effect. A user may only approve a pull request which is in open.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the newly created or updated participant entity
InvalidPullRequestParticipantException if the user cannot be made a participant because they have insufficient privileges to read the repository
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open

@Nonnull public PullRequestParticipant assignRole (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String username, PullRequestRole role)

Assigns a participant to an explicit role in pull request. Currently only reviewers may be assigned. If the user is not yet a participant in the pull request, they are made one and assigned the supplied role. If the user is already a participant in the pull request, their previous role is replaced with the supplied role unless they are already assigned the AUTHOR role which cannot be changed and will result in an UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException being thrown.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
username the participant's user name
role the participant's role in the pull request
  • the newly created or updated participant
InvalidPullRequestRoleException if the role is not the REVIEWER role.
UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException if the participant is already assigned the AUTHOR role.
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

public PullRequestMergeability canMerge (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Retrieves a flag indicating whether the specified pull request can be merged by the system or must be manually merged by a user.

Even if this method returns true, there are still a variety of reasons for which merging may fail, including but not limited to:

  • The version supplied when merging is out of date
  • Additional changes have been pushed to the pull request's target branch and the pull request has not yet been updated accordingly
The goal for this method is to serve as a hint as to whether or not a given pull request can be merged by the system, rather than as an ironclad assurance that it can be.

Note: If the specified pull request is declined or MERGED, this method will always return false.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the mergeability of the pull request, taking into account if it is open, has conflicts and any vetoes that MergeRequestChecks may have raised
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open

public long count (PullRequestSearchRequest request)

Counts the number of pull requests which match the specified search criteria.

request the search criteria to use
  • the number of pull requests that match the search criteria

@Deprecated public long countChangesetsFor (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.11 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Use countCommits(int, long) instead.

Counts the number of commits a pull request has.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the number of commits in the pull request
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

public long countCommits (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Counts the number of commits a pull request has.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the number of commits in the pull request
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Deprecated public long countForParticipant (StashUser user, PullRequestRole role, Boolean approved, PullRequestState state)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use count(PullRequestSearchRequest) instead

Counts the number of pull requests where the specified user is a participant. The search criteria can optionally be narrowed by specifying the state the pull request should be in.

user the participant
role the optional participant role to narrow the search (defaults to all roles)
approved if role is REVIEWER, then this value determines if                     the pull requests should be narrowed by approval state. A null value means do not narrow.
state the optional state to narrow the search
  • the page of pull requests

@Deprecated public long countInDirection (PullRequestDirection direction, int repositoryId, PullRequestState state)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use count(PullRequestSearchRequest) instead

Counts the number of pull request to or from a given repository depending on the direction passed in. The search criteria can optionally be narrowed by specifying the state the pull request should be in.

An explanation of the directions:

  • INCOMING counts pull requests to the specified repository
  • OUTGOING counts pull requests from the specified repository

direction indicates whether to match the provided repositoryId against pull requests' from or to refs
repositoryId the ID of the repository to count pull requests for
state used to limit the returned pull requests to only those which match the specified state
  • the count of matching pull requests

@Nonnull public TaskCount countTasks (PullRequestTaskSearchRequest searchRequest)

Counts the number of tasks in a pull request.

searchRequest the search criteria to use
  • a TaskCount object containing the number of tasks in each state
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public PullRequest create (String title, String description, Set<String> reviewers, Repository fromRepository, String fromBranchId, Repository toRepository, String toBranchId)

Creates a pull request from the supplied repository and branch to the supplied repository and branch with the given title and description.

At present Stash only supports pull requests between branches of the same repository. Supplying two different repositories will result in an exception being thrown.

Events raised:

title the title of the pull request
description the optional description of the pull request
reviewers the set of usernames of the users to add as a reviewer
fromRepository the repository from which the changes come
fromBranchId the branch of the fromRepository from which the changes come
toRepository the repository changes are to be merged to
toBranchId the branch of the toRepository to which changes are merged
  • the created pull request
DuplicatePullRequestException if there is already an open pull request with identical to and from repositories and branches
EmptyPullRequestException if the to branch is up-to-date with all of the changes on the from branch, resulting in a pull request with nothing to merge
InvalidPullRequestTargetException if the from or to repositories are not the same or if the from and to branches are the same
InvalidPullRequestReviewersException if one or more of the reviewers could not be added
PullRequestOpenCanceledException if opening the pull request is canceled by an event listener
NoSuchCommitException if the the from or to branches do not exist

@Nonnull public PullRequest decline (PullRequestDeclineRequest request)

Declines a pull request. The pull request must be open or an exception is thrown. The expected version of the pull request must be supplied to ensure the client is not operating on stale information.

request details for declining a pull request
  • the updated pull request
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
PullRequestOutOfDateException if the version of the specified pull request does not match the expected version

@Deprecated @Nonnull public PullRequest decline (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, int version)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use decline(PullRequestDeclineRequest) instead

Declines a pull request. The pull request must be open or an exception is thrown. The expected version of the pull request must be supplied to ensure the client is not operating on stale information.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
version the expected version of the pull request
  • the updated pull request
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
PullRequestOutOfDateException if the version of the specified pull request does not match the expected version

public boolean deleteComment (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId, int commentVersion)

Deletes a pull request comment

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
commentId the ID of the comment
commentVersion the expected version of the comment
  • true if the comment existed (and thus was deleted), false otherwise
CommentDeletionException if the comment has replies
CommentOutOfDateException if the version of the specified comment does not match the expected version

@Deprecated @Nonnull public Page<PullRequest> findByParticipant (StashUser user, PullRequestRole role, Boolean approved, PullRequestState state, PullRequestOrder order, PageRequest pageRequest)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.10 for removal in 4.0. Use search(PullRequestSearchRequest, PageRequest) instead

Finds a single page of pull request in the specified state where the specified user is a participant.

user the participant
role the optional participant role to narrow the search (defaults to all roles)
approved if role is REVIEWER, then this value determines if the pull requests should be narrowed by approval state. A null value means do not narrow.
state the optional state to narrow the search
order the optional order to return the search results in (defaults to NEWEST first)
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the search
  • the page of pull requests

@Nonnull public Iterable<DiffCommentAnchor> findCommentAnchors (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String path)

Get diff anchors for a given pull request and a path affected by that pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
path the path of the file modified by the pull request, for which the anchors should be retrieved
  • all anchors (representing comments) for the path in the pull request identified by repositoryId and pullRequestId
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public Page<? extends PullRequestActivity> getActivities (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves a page of the activities for a given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the page
  • the page of activities

@Nonnull public Set<PullRequestActivity> getActivitiesById (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, Set<Long> activityIds)

Retrieves the specified activities of the given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
activityIds the activity IDs that should be retrieved
  • the activities that could be found. Note: There may be fewer returned activities than supplied IDs where an unknown ID is specified or where activities have since been deleted.

@Nonnull public PullRequestActivityPage<? extends PullRequestActivity> getActivitiesStartingAt (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PullRequestEntityType fromType, long fromId, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves the page of activities that start with an entity (given its type and id) for the given pull request.

Entity types currently accepted:

  • ACTIVITY to search for the page of activities starting with the supplied activity
  • COMMENT to search for the page of activities starting with the activity of the supplied comment. If the comment is not a root comment, the comment's root's activity is used.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
fromType the type of the entity to search for
fromId ID of the entity to search for - either a comment ID or activity ID
pageRequest the request specifying the limit of the page. Note: the start property is ignored.
  • the page of activities that contains the given activity. This page provides the ability to calculate both the next page and the previous page of results as the page may be
NoSuchEntityException if the activity can't be found.

@Nullable public PullRequest getById (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Retrieves a pull request by its ID, within the specified repository.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the pull request found or null if there is no pull request that matches the given id

@Deprecated @Nonnull public Page<Changeset> getChangesets (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Use getCommits(int, long, PageRequest) instead.

Retrieves a page of the changesets for a given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the page
  • the page of changesets
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public Comment getComment (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId)

Retrieves a comment for the given comment id and pull request id.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
commentId the ID of the comment to retrieve
  • the comment
NoSuchCommentException if the comment can not be found
NoSuchPullRequestException if the pull request can not be found

@Nonnull public Page<Commit> getCommits (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves a page of the commits for a given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the page
  • the page of commits
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public Page<? extends PullRequestParticipant> getParticipants (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, PageRequest pageRequest)

Retrieves a page of the participants for a given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the page
  • the page of participants

@Deprecated @Nonnull public PullRequest merge (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, int version)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. Use merge(PullRequestMergeRequest), which allows specifying a commit message, instead.

Merges a pull request. The pull request must be open or an exception is thrown. The expected version of the pull request must be supplied to ensure the client is not operating on stale information.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
version the expected version of the pull request
  • the updated pull request
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
PullRequestMergeCanceledException if the merge was canceled by an event listener
PullRequestMergeVetoedException if any MergeRequestChecks vetoed the merge
PullRequestOutOfDateException if the version of the specified pull request does not match the expected version

@Nonnull public PullRequest merge (PullRequestMergeRequest request)

Merges a pull request. The pull request must be open or an exception is thrown. The expected version of the pull request must be supplied to ensure the client is not operating on stale information.

request details for merging the pull request, specifying the pull request to merge, the expected version, and, optionally, a commit message and additional context
  • the updated pull request
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
PullRequestMergeCanceledException if the merge was canceled by an event listener
PullRequestMergeVetoedException if any MergeRequestChecks vetoed the merge
PullRequestOutOfDateException if the version of the specified pull request does not match the expected version

@Nonnull public PullRequest reopen (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, int version)

Reopens a pull request. The pull request must be declined or an exception is thrown. The expected version of the pull request must be supplied to ensure the client is not operating on stale information.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
version the expected version of the pull request
  • the updated pull request
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not declined
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
PullRequestOutOfDateException if the version of the specified pull request does not match the expected version

@Nonnull public Page<PullRequest> search (PullRequestSearchRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)

Finds a single page of pull requests depending on the request passed in.

request the search criteria to use
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the search
  • a page of pull requests

@Nonnull public Page<PullRequestActivity> searchActivities (PullRequestActivitySearchRequest request, PageRequest pageRequest)

Finds a single page of pull request activities depending on the request passed in.

request the search criteria to use
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the search
  • a page of pull request activities

@Nonnull public Page<Task> searchTasks (PullRequestTaskSearchRequest searchRequest, PageRequest pageRequest)

Finds a single page of @{link Task tasks} belonging to this pull request depending on the request passed in.

searchRequest the search criteria to use
pageRequest the request specifying the start and limit of the search
  • a page of pull request activities

public void streamChanges (PullRequestChangesRequest request, ChangeCallback callback)

Streams changes for the specified PullRequest to the provided ChangeCallback.

Note: Internal hard limits are applied to the number of changes which will be returned. When changes are truncated for exceeding those limits, it will be signalled to the callback.

request the repository, pull request and other properties describing the changes to stream
callback the callback to receive changes
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Deprecated public void streamChangesets (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, ChangesetCallback callback)

This method is deprecated.
in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Use streamCommits(int, long, CommitCallback) instead.

Streams commits for the specified pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
callback the request specifying the start and limit of the page
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

public void streamCommits (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, CommitCallback callback)

Streams commits for the specified pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
callback the request specifying the start and limit of the page
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

public void streamDiff (PullRequestDiffRequest request, DiffContentCallback callback)

Streams the Diff for the specified file path within the PullRequest to the provided DiffContentCallback. Comment anchors will be offered to the callback prior to streaming the diff, allowing them to be merged into the diff output as desired.

If the Change indicated the path being diffed was moved/renamed or copied, the srcPath should also be provided. Failure to provide both paths may result in an incorrect diff in some SCMs.

Note: Internal hard limits are applied to the diff being streamed, limiting the number of lines that can be returned. When a diff is truncated for exceeding those limits, it will be signalled to the callback.

request the repository, pull request, path and other properties describing the diff to stream
callback the callback to receive the streamed Diff
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

public void unassignRole (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, String username)

Unassigns a participant from any explicit role they may have been given in a pull request. An explicit role is one other than PARTICIPANT. Currently the only explicit role that may be unassigned is the REVIEWER role as the AUTHOR role is fixed. An attempt to unassign a participant from this role will result in an UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException being thrown. If the participant has no explicit role this method has no effect. Afterwards, the user will still remain a participant in the pull request but their role will be reduced to PARTICIPANT. This is because once made a participant of a pull request, a user will forever remain a participant. Only their role may be altered.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
username the participant's user name
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException if the participant is already an AUTHOR

public boolean unwatch (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Removes the current user as a watcher of the given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • true if the watcher existed (and thus was removed), false otherwise

@Nonnull public PullRequest update (PullRequestUpdateRequest request)

Updates a pull request's title and description.

This method will fire:

request details for updating a pull request, including a title, description and reviewers.
  • the updated pull request
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository
PullRequestOutOfDateException if the version of the specified pull request does not match the expected version
InvalidPullRequestReviewersException if one or more of the reviewers could not be added
DuplicatePullRequestException if there is already an open pull request with an identical to branch
InvalidPullRequestTargetException if the from and new to branch are the same
EmptyPullRequestException if the new destination branch up-to-date is up-to-date with all of the changes from the from branch, resulting in a pull request with nothing to merge

@Nonnull public Comment updateComment (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId, long commentId, int commentVersion, String commentText)

Updates the pull request comment's text

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
commentId the ID of the comment to update
commentVersion the expected version of the comment
commentText the new text of the comment
  • the updated comment
CommentOutOfDateException if the version of the specified comment does not match the expected version
NoSuchCommentException if no comment exists with the specified ID

@Nonnull public Watcher watch (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Adds the current user as a watcher of the given pull request.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the created watcher
NoSuchPullRequestException if no pull request with the specified ID can be found in the repository

@Nonnull public PullRequestParticipant withdrawApproval (int repositoryId, long pullRequestId)

Allows the current user to withdraw their approval of a pull request. The user must already be a participant of the pull request else an exception is thrown. If the user has already withdrawn their approval this operation has no effect. A participant may only withdraw approval for a pull request if it open.

repositoryId the ID of the repository to which the pull request will be merged
pullRequestId the ID of the pull request within the repository
  • the updated participant entity
NoSuchParticipantException if the user is not a participant in the pull request and thus cannot withdraw their approval
IllegalPullRequestStateException if the pull request is not open