Class Index



AbstractCommandBuilder<B extends CommandBuilder<B>> Provides a basic implementation of most CommandBuilder functionality, to simplify creating builders. 
AbstractCommentAttributeProvider This class is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. User FlatteningCommentPropertyProvider instead.  
AbstractHomeUpdateHandler Provides a base class for implementing HomeUpdateHandlers. 
AbstractRepositoryScmRequest Extends AbstractScmRequest and adds properties to facilitate implementing SCM requests which interact with a repository, to read or write
AbstractScm Convenience implementation of Scm (and, until 4.0, Scm2) that returns null for all of the optional contract members. 
AbstractScmCommandBuilder<B extends ScmCommandBuilder<B>> Extends AbstractCommandBuilder and provides a basic implementation of ScmCommandBuilder. 
AbstractScmRequest A simple base class to facilitate implementing SCM requests
AbstractScmRequestHandlerModuleDescriptor<T> A base class for constructing module descriptors for ScmRequest handlers. 
AbstractSshRequest Extend this class to implement support for an SSH command that skips the ScmRequestCheck pipeline. 
AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryHook Configured and enabled Repository Hook that is called after a push request is completed. 
AuthenticationState Indicates the result of a user's authentication attempt when messaging the client using sendAuthenticationError(AuthenticationState, String, String)


BaseCommand<T> Wrapper around Atlassian's process utils. 
BaseScmHookModuleDescriptor<T> Base implementation for scm hook module descriptor. 
BuiltinHookHandlerFactory Factory for HookHandler that Stash ships with. 


ChangesetAttributeConfiguration This interface is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. Use CommitPropertyConfiguration instead.  
ChangesetAttributeConfigurationModuleDescriptor This class is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. Use CommitPropertyConfiguration modules instead.  
ChangesetIndexer This interface is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Indexers should implement CommitIndexer instead.  
ChangesetIndexerModuleDescriptor This class is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. All things "changeset" are being renamed to "commit", the more common term for the data they represent. Indexers should be declared using commit-indexer instead.  
CommentAttributeContext This interface is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. CommentAttributeProvider that uses this class will be removed in favour of CommentPropertyProvider  
CommentAttributeProvider This interface is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. User CommentPropertyProvider instead.  
CommentPropertyContext Allows iterating and adding properties on comments. 
CommentPropertyProvider Provides properties to Stash Comment comments. 
CommitIndexer Describes an indexer to be notified when commits are added to or removed from a repository. 
CommitPropertyConfiguration Property configuration for any commit indexer. 
ContextualFormFragment Allows the injection of fields into existing forms provided by the host application. 


Drainable Indicates connection pools and similar data structures have a means of waiting for resources to close/clean up. 


ExitCodeCallback Passed to the SshScmRequestHandler as a callback to be used when an underlying SSH process completes. 


FlatteningCommentPropertyProvider An implementation of CommentPropertyProvider that flattens the list of the comments in the context such that subclasses that override doProvideProperties(CommentPropertyContext) have instant access to all nested comments without having to go through the Comment#getComments() reply tree manually. 
ForcedDrainable Indicates connection pools and similar data structures which have a means of waiting for resources to close/clean up and additionally support a more aggressive form of draining which attempts to forcibly release the underlying resources. 


HomeUpdate Describes the old and new absolute paths for the home directory. 
HomeUpdateHandler Invoked when the com.atlassian.stash.server.ApplicationPropertiesService#getSharedHomeDir() home directory is updated. 
HookRequestHandle A handle on the hook request which provides the required information to make a successful callback to Stash via their hook callback socket 
HookService A service which handles the management of hook requests. 
HookUtils Utility methods for configuring processes, whether using Java's ProcessBuilder or Atlassian Process Utils, to execute pre-receive and post-receive hooks. 
HttpAuthenticationContext Context class holding all details relevant for authentication processing by HttpAuthenticationHandler modules. 
HttpAuthenticationFailureContext Context class holding all details relevant for authentication failure processing by HttpAuthenticationFailureHandler modules. 
HttpAuthenticationFailureHandler Handler for authentication failure over HTTP. 
HttpAuthenticationHandler Implementations may also implement HttpLogoutHandler, in which case they'll get a callback when the user logs out. 
HttpAuthenticationSuccessContext Context class holding all details relevant for authentication success processing by HttpAuthenticationSuccessHandler modules. 
HttpAuthenticationSuccessHandler Handler that is called when a user successfully authenticates with the system over HTTP. 
HttpLogoutHandler Interface that http-auth-handler modules can optionally implement to receive callbacks on logout. 
HttpScmRequest Handles an HTTP request from an SCM client (e.g. 
HttpScmRequestHandler Plugin point for providing handlers for HTTP requests for SCM hosting operations. 
HttpScmRequestHandlerModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for providing HttpScmRequestHandler implementations. 
HttpScmRequestProvider Provides an HttpScmRequest for a given HttpServletRequest if there is an enabled HttpScmRequestHandler to service it. 


IndexingContext Used to by CommitIndexers to store state during the indexing process. 


JsonRenderer Renders an object to a JSON string. 


MergeRequest Represents a request to merge a pull request, intended to allow MergeRequestChecks to validate the intended merge and, potentially, veto(String, String) it. 
MergeRequestCheck Used to enforce a specific precondition for a merge operation. 
MergeRequestCheckService A service that checks preconditions for pull request merges by applying MergeRequestChecks, which can be supplied by plugins, to determine whether merges should performed. 
MinimalPullRequest Describes a minimal com.atlassian.stash.pull.PullRequest pull request, providing only the ID, version and PullRequestRef refs. 
ModuleDescriptorUtils Utility methods for working with plugin ModuleDescriptor ModuleDescriptors. 


Notification A single Notification within the system 
NotificationHandler<T extends Notification> Notification Handler takes a Notification and pushes it to a channel 


OptionalPluginInformationProvider Allows stash core to query the state of optional plugins. 


PluginCommandBuilderFactory When implemented by an SCM, allows the ScmService to provide an ScmCommandBuilder that can be used to build custom commands for advanced functionality. 
PluginCommandFactory Provides backing functionality for the ScmCommandFactory. 
PluginCommandFactory2 This interface is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. In 4.0 this interface's methods will be folded into PluginCommandFactory and become a mandatory part of the SCM contract.  
PluginCompareCommandFactory Specialized command factory to compare two refs. 
PluginCompareCommandFactory2 This interface is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. In 4.0 this interface's methods will be folded into PluginCompareCommandFactory and become a mandatory part of the SCM contract.  
PluginFormFragments Collates a collection of enabled ContextualFormFragments plugin modules defined for a particular form. 
PluginFormFragmentsFactory Factory for PluginFormFragments
PluginPullRequestCommandFactory2 This interface is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. In 4.0 this interface's methods will be folded into PluginPullRequestCommandFactory and become a mandatory part of the SCM contract.  
PluginRefCommandFactory Specialized command factory for dealing with com.atlassian.stash.repository.Ref refs. 
PostReceiveHook Hook that is called just after a push request is completed. 
PostReceiveHookModuleDescriptor Provides a PostReceiveHook implementation. 
PreReceiveHook Hook that is called just before a push request is completed. 
PreReceiveHookModuleDescriptor Provides a PreReceiveHook implementation. 
PreReceiveRepositoryHook Configured and enabled Repository Hook that is called just before a push request is completed. 
PullRequestActivityNotification Notification for PullRequestActivity and its subtypes. 
PullRequestAttributeContext This interface is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. PullRequestAttributeProvider that uses this class will be removed in favour of PullRequestPropertyProvider  
PullRequestAttributeProvider This interface is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. Use PullRequestPropertyProvider instead.  
PullRequestCommentNotification Represents a PullRequestNotification that also has a comment, such as add/edit/reply. 
PullRequestFromRefRescopedNotification Notification for when a Pull Request source ref is updated due to a push to the source ref. 
PullRequestMergeabilityPropertyProvider Provides properties to com.atlassian.stash.pull.PullRequestMergeability. 
PullRequestPropertyContext Allows iterating and adding PropertyMap properties to pull requests. 
PullRequestPropertyProvider Provides properties to Stash com.atlassian.stash.pull.PullRequest pull requests. 


RefMetadataContext The context in which the metadata is being retrieved for a given collection of Ref refs 
RefMetadataProvider<T> A plugin point for associating arbitrary metadata with a Ref. 
RepositoryHookImplementor Provides no actual methods but serves as a flag for the supported types of repository hooks, which includes PreReceiveRepositoryHook, AsyncPostReceiveRepositoryHook and RepositoryMergeRequestCheck
RepositoryMergeRequestCheck Used to enforce a specific precondition for a merge operation. 
RepositoryMergeRequestCheckContext In addition to the normal MergeRequest parameters, will have additional settings which can be configured per-repository. 
RepositoryRescopeContext Provides a context for SCMs to perform rescope calculations and update affected pull requests when a repository is updated. 
RepositorySettingsValidator Handles validation of hook settings before they are persisted. 
RepositoryUrlFragment Utility class for parsing repository slugs and project keys from scm urls. 


Scm Describes a pluggable extension point for implementing custom SCMs. 
Scm2 This interface is deprecated. in 3.4 for removal in 4.0. In 4.0 this interface's methods will be folded into Scm and become a mandatory part of the SCM contract.  
Scm3 This interface is deprecated. in 3.7 for removal in 4.0. In 4.0 this interface's methods will be folded into Scm and become a mandatory part of the SCM contract.  
Scm4 This interface is deprecated. in 3.9 for removal in 4.0. In 4.0 this interface's methods will be folded into Scm and become a mandatory part of the SCM contract.  
ScmEvent Common base for all events raised by SCM implementations. 
ScmModuleDescriptor ModuleDescriptor which interprets &lt;scm/&gt; tags in atlassian-plugin.xml
ScmProtocol An extension point for declaring an Scm's support for a protocol and for generating protocol-specific clone URLs for Repository repositories of that kind
ScmProtocolModuleDescriptor Provides an ScmProtocol implementation used in connection with one or more Scms
ScmRequest A read or write request targeting a Stash repository. 
ScmRequestCheck Used to enforce a specific precondition for a repository hosting operation, such as a push or pull. 
ScmRequestCheckModuleDescriptor Provides an ScmRequestCheck implementation used by the ScmRequestCheckService
ScmRequestCheckService Used to validate read and write operations on repositories managed by Stash. 
ScmStatus Describes the current status of an Scm plugin. 
ScmStatusChangedEvent Raised when the status of an SCM changes at runtime. 
ScmUrlFormatter Formats an appropriate URL for a given repository
ScmUrlFormatterModuleDescriptor Parses the nested url-formatter element, when present, to produce an ScmUrlFormatter
ScmUrlRequest Describes a repository and base URL to use when formatting a URL
SettingsValidationErrors Used by RepositorySettingsValidator to report validation errors. 
SimpleCommand<T> Implementation of the Command interface that provides empty implementations for all methods except call()
SshAuthenticationContext The authentication context for SSH connections 
SshAuthenticationFailureContext Context class holding all details relevant for authentication failure processing by SshAuthenticationFailureHandler modules. 
SshAuthenticationFailureHandler Handler for authentication failure over SSH. 
SshAuthenticationHandler Implementations should be stateless and thread-safe, as a single instance will be used to service all authentication requests. 
SshAuthenticationHandlerModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for custom ssh key authenticators. 
SshAuthenticationSuccessContext Context class holding all details relevant for authentication success processing by SshAuthenticationSuccessHandler modules. 
SshAuthenticationSuccessHandler Handler that is called when a user successfully authenticates with the system over SSH. 
SshScmRequest Handles an SCM SSH command from a remote client. 
SshScmRequestHandler Plugin point for handling SshScmRequests. 
SshScmRequestHandlerModuleDescriptor Module descriptor for providing SshScmRequestHandler implementations. 


ThrottledScmRequestFactory Helper for SCM implementation providers to decorate HttpScmRequest and SshScmRequest instances with ThrottleService throttling. 


ValidationErrors Used by ContextualFormFragment to report field validation errors. 


Weighted An interface for objects that have a weight associated with them used for sorting.