


AvatarService This interface is deprecated. Deprecated in 2.1 for removal in 3.0. This interface is being moved into its own package, along with the other avatar-related objects. Callers should use AvatarService instead.  
DeprecatedPermissionAdminService This interface is deprecated. in 2.4. Scheduled for removal in 3.0. This interface will be removed and PermissionAdminService will no longer extend this interface.  
DeprecatedUserService Contains methods which are in some phase of deprecation in preparation for being removed from the UserService
DetailedGroup Extends a group, which is a simple String name generally, with additional details relating to the directory backing the group. 
DetailedUser Extends a StashUser with additional details relating to the directory backing the user. 
GrantedPermission This interface is deprecated. since 2.4. Removal scheduled for 3.0. This interface is not exposed by any services and is not used.  
PermissionAdminService Updates the permissions of users and groups. 
PermissionPredicateFactory Factory for creation permission-predicates  
PermissionService Reads the permissions of users and groups. 
PermissionValidationService A utility service for plugin developer to validate that the current user has a specific permission. 
PermittedGroup Defines an association between a group and a Permission which has been granted to it. 
PermittedUser Defines an association between a StashUser and a Permission which has been granted to them. 
Person A minimal person abstraction, suitable for describing authors, committers and other people who may not have an explicit user account. 
SecurityService Plugins may wish to perform operations as a particular user. 
StashAuthenticationContext Obtains the current user logged in Stash. 
StashUser Represents a registered user of Stash. 
UserAdminService Provides methods for querying, creating and updating users and groups. 
UserService Provides methods for querying users and managing authentication. 


AvatarRequest This class is deprecated. Deprecated in 2.1 for removal in 3.0. This class is being moved into its own package, along with the other avatar-related objects. Callers should use AvatarRequest instead.  
CaptchaResponse This class is deprecated. Scheduled for removal in Stash 3.0 because all the places where CaptchaResponse is used have been deprecated.  
SetPermissionRequest Used to set a permission to multiple users and/or groups. 


Permission Permissions available in Stash. 


AuthenticationException Base type for all exceptions which are thrown while processing user authentication attempts. 
AuthenticationSystemException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown when the underlying authentication subsystem fails. 
CaptchaAuthenticationException Base specialisation for AuthenticationExceptions which are thrown for CAPTCHA attempts. 
CaptchaRequiredAuthenticationException A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user has entered their password incorrectly too many times in succession and is required to solve a CAPTCHA before they will be allowed to login again. 
ExpiredAuthenticationException A specialization of AuthenticationException that should be thrown when an existing authentication has expired. 
ExpiredPasswordAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because their password has expired and must be changed. 
InactiveUserAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because their account is no longer active. 
IncorrectCaptchaAuthenticationException A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException, thrown when the CAPTCHA response provided by the user does not match the image that was presented. 
IncorrectPasswordAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the password supplied during an authentication attempt does not match the password on record. 
NoAccessAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because they don't have access to Stash.