


AttributeSupport Implemented by model classes to which additional attributes can be applied. 
Blame Provides blame (or praise) data for a span of lines within a file. 
Change Describes a change which occurred within a given Changeset
ChangeCallback Describes a callback for receiving streaming changes
Changeset Describes a changeset / commit. 
ChangesetCallback Callback that can be provided to a ScmClient to stream collections of Changesets from the scm. 
Conflict Describes two conflicting changes that were made on opposite sides of a merge. 
ConflictChange A minimal subset of a Change describing how a path was changed on one side of a Conflict
ContentService Retrieves the diff, the content or the the blame information of a file. 
ContentTreeCallback Callback interface for handling content tree nodes from a starting directory

Note: Implementors are strongly encouraged to extend from AbstractContentTreeCallback

ContentTreeCallback2 ContentTreeCallback2 extends ContentTreeCallback, adding support for Submodule ContentTreeNode elements. 
ContentTreeNode Represents a node in a source tree. 
DetailedChangeset Describes a set of changes between two commits. 
DiffContentCallback A callback for receiving streaming diff details. 
DirectoryRevision Represents a revision of a directory  
FileContentCallback A callback for the contents of a file  
MinimalChangeset A minimal changeset, defining only identifier information. 
Path A bean representation of a path  


AbstractChangesetCallback Convenience implementation of ChangesetCallback that provides no-op implementations for the onStart() and onEnd() methods. 
AbstractContentTreeCallback Convenience implementation of ContentTreeCallback that provides no-op implementations for all the methods. 
AttributeMap Immutable String -> String multimap. 
AttributeMap.Builder Builder class for AttributeMap  
ChangesetsBetweenRequest Defines a request to retrieve changesets "between" sets of included and excluded changesets, potentially filtering by paths
DetailedChangesetsRequest Defines a request to retrieve a number of changesets and return their details, including the first page of changes between the changeset in question and its first parent. 
DiffRequest Request arguments for streamDiff(DiffRequest, DiffContentCallback)
Directory Represents a directory in a source tree  
File Represents a File in a source tree  
Submodule Represents a remote link in a source tree  


ChangeType Defines the standard Change types which may occur in a given Changeset
ConflictMarker Used to mark diff lines which represent a merge conflict. 
ContentTreeNode.Type Enumeration of ContentTreeNode types  
DiffSegmentType Enumerates the different segment types available in diff output. 
DiffWhitespace A flag for indicating how whitespace should be handled in a diff, such as being ignored