


CancelableEvent Augments an event with support for cancelation. 


ApplicationConfigurationChangedEvent<T> Event that is published when an application property is changed through ApplicationPropertiesService. 
BaseUrlChangedEvent Event that is raised when the application base url is changed. 
DisplayNameChangedEvent Event that is raised when the application display name is changed. 
LicenseChangedEvent Event that is raised when the Stash license is changed. 
MailHostConfigurationChangedEvent Event that is raised when the mail host configuration is changed. 
ProjectCreatedEvent Event that is raised when a project is created. 
ProjectCreationRequestedEvent Raised just before a project is created. 
ProjectDeletedEvent Event that is raised when a project is deleted. 
ProjectDeleteRequestedEvent This class is deprecated. Deprecated in 2.0 for removal in 3.0, replaced by ProjectDeletionRequestedEvent. 
ProjectDeletionRequestedEvent /** Event that is raised just before a project is deleted. 
ProjectEvent Base class for all project related events  
ProjectModifiedEvent Event that is raised when a project is modified. 
RepositoryAccessedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is accessed by a user. 
RepositoryCloneEvent Event that is raised when a git client pushed to a repository. 
RepositoryCreatedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is created. 
RepositoryCreationFailedEvent Raised when an attempt to create a repository fails. 
RepositoryCreationRequestedEvent Raised just before a repository is created. 
RepositoryDeletedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is deleted  
RepositoryDeleteRequestedEvent This class is deprecated. Deprecated in 2.0 for removal in 3.0, replaced by RepositoryDeletionRequestedEvent. 
RepositoryDeletionRequestedEvent Raised just before a repository is deleted. 
RepositoryEvent Base class for all events related to repositories: pushes, pulls, merge operations, etc. 
RepositoryForkedEvent Raised when a repository is forked successfully. 
RepositoryForkFailedEvent Raised when an attempt to fork a repository fails. 
RepositoryForkRequestedEvent Raised just before a repository is forked. 
RepositoryModifiedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is updated. 
RepositoryPullEvent Event that is raised when a git client pulls from a repository. 
RepositoryPushEvent Event that is raised when a git client pushed to a repository. 
ServerEmailAddressChangedEvent Event that is raised when the server email address is changed. 
StashEvent Base event class for all Stash events. 
TicketAcquiredEvent Event raised when a Ticket is acquired from a given bucket in the ThrottleService
TicketEvent Base class for Ticket events which are broadcast by the ThrottleService
TicketRejectedEvent Event raised when an attempt to acquire a Ticket from a given bucket is rejected by the ThrottleService
TicketReleasedEvent Event raised when a Ticket is released back into its bucket by the ThrottleService


ApplicationConfigurationChangedEvent.Property Enum that lists the types of properties that can be changed.