@AsynchronousPreferred public class


extends PullRequestEvent
   ↳ java.util.EventObject
     ↳ com.atlassian.stash.event.StashEvent
       ↳ com.atlassian.stash.event.pull.PullRequestEvent
         ↳ com.atlassian.stash.event.pull.PullRequestParticipantsUpdatedEvent

Class Overview

An event raised when the total set of reviewers and role-less participants for a pull request changes.

This may happen for any of the following reasons in isolation or in combination:

  • A user is added as a reviewer for the first time. In this case they will appear in the Set returned from getAddedParticipants()
  • A user who is neither a reviewer, author nor role-less participant gives their +1 to, posts a comment to or edits a pull request. In this case they will appear in the Set returned from getAddedParticipants()
  • A reviewer is removed from the pull request and because, as reviewer, they never commented, edited or gave their +1 they have been completely removed from the pull request. In this case they will appear in the Set returned from getRemovedParticipants() Note: if a reviewer posts a comment, gives their +1 or edits a pull request then any subsequent operation to remove them as a reviewer would merely relegate them to a role-less participant and thus this event would not be fired for that change.


Inherited Fields
From class java.util.EventObject
Public Constructors
PullRequestParticipantsUpdatedEvent(Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, Set<StashUser> addedParticipants, Set<StashUser> removedParticipants)
Public Methods
@Nonnull Set<StashUser> getAddedParticipants()
@Nonnull Set<StashUser> getRemovedParticipants()
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.stash.event.pull.PullRequestEvent
From class com.atlassian.stash.event.StashEvent
From class java.util.EventObject
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public PullRequestParticipantsUpdatedEvent (Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, Set<StashUser> addedParticipants, Set<StashUser> removedParticipants)

Public Methods

@Nonnull public Set<StashUser> getAddedParticipants ()

  • the set of users who have participated in the pull request for the first time

@Nonnull public Set<StashUser> getRemovedParticipants ()

  • the set of users who are no longer participating in the pull request