@AsynchronousPreferred public class


extends PullRequestEvent
   ↳ java.util.EventObject
     ↳ com.atlassian.stash.event.StashEvent
       ↳ com.atlassian.stash.event.pull.PullRequestEvent
         ↳ com.atlassian.stash.event.pull.PullRequestMergedEvent

Class Overview

Event that is raised when a pull request is merged. The event's changeset indicates the changeset which resulted from the merge performed by Stash. If the changeset is null then the pull request was merged as a result of a remote change to the repository performed outside of and then pushed to Stash.


Inherited Fields
From class java.util.EventObject
Public Constructors
PullRequestMergedEvent(Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, MinimalChangeset changeset)
Public Methods
@Nullable MinimalChangeset getChangeset()
boolean isMergedRemotely()
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.stash.event.pull.PullRequestEvent
From class com.atlassian.stash.event.StashEvent
From class java.util.EventObject
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public PullRequestMergedEvent (Object source, PullRequest pullRequest, MinimalChangeset changeset)


source the entity raising the event
pullRequest the pull request that was merged
changeset the changeset that resulted from the merging the pull request in the web UI or the REST resource. If null it indicates the pull request was merged remotely and pushed to Stash.

Public Methods

@Nullable public MinimalChangeset getChangeset ()

public boolean isMergedRemotely ()

  • true if the pull request was merged remotely and pushed to Stash. false if the pull request was merged through the web UI/REST resource.