Class Index



AbstractChangesCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>>  
AbstractChangesetCallback Convenience implementation of ChangesetCallback that provides no-op implementations for the onStart() and onEnd() methods. 
AbstractChangesetCommandParameters A base class for constructing CommandParameters classes for commands which operate on a specific commit, optionally qualified to a specific path. 
AbstractChangesetCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>>  
AbstractDiffCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>>  
AbstractMergeCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>>  
AbstractRefsCommandParameters.AbstractBuilder<B extends AbstractBuilder<B>>  
ApplicationConfigurationChangedEvent<T> Event that is published when an application property is changed through ApplicationPropertiesService. 
ApplicationConfigurationChangedEvent.Property Enum that lists the types of properties that can be changed. 
ApplicationPropertiesService Queries various properties of Stash. 
ApplicationState The current state of this Stash server. 
AsyncCommand<T> Wraps an operation which may be run asynchronously or synchronously
AttributeMap Immutable String -> String multimap. 
AttributeMap.Builder Builder class for AttributeMap  
AttributeSupport Implemented by model classes to which additional attributes can be applied. 
AuthenticationException Base type for all exceptions which are thrown while processing user authentication attempts. 
AuthenticationFailedException This class is deprecated. This exception is too broad, requiring callers to parse the exception message if they wish to know the real reason authentication failed. A richer hierarchy has been added in Stash 2.0, allowing callers to catch specific, strongly-typed exceptions instead. This exception will be removed in Stash 2.1.  
AuthenticationSystemException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown when the underlying authentication subsystem fails. 
AvatarRequest Describes an avatar being requested, allowing callers control over certain avatar properties. 
AvatarService Provides URLs from which avatar images can be retrieved. 


BaseUrlChangedEvent Event that is raised when the application base url is changed. 
Blame Provides blame (or praise) data for a span of lines within a file. 
Branch A Ref denoting a branch in the repository. 


CancelableEvent Augments an event with support for cancelation. 
CancelState Tracks the cancelation state of a cancelable operation. 
CaptchaAuthenticationException Base specialisation for AuthenticationExceptions which are thrown for CAPTCHA attempts. 
CaptchaRequiredAuthenticationException A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user has entered their password incorrectly too many times in succession and is required to solve a CAPTCHA before they will be allowed to login again. 
CaptchaResponse Encapsulates a CAPTCHA challenge id and the corresponding user response. 
Change Describes a change which occurred within a given Changeset
ChangeCallback Describes a callback for receiving streaming changes
Changeset Describes a changeset / commit. 
ChangesetAttributeConfiguration attribute configuration for any changeset indexer  
ChangesetCallback Callback that can be provided to a ScmClient to stream collections of Changesets from the scm. 
ChangesetIndex Index to store meta data around changesets. 
ChangesetIndexingException Exception to signal a problem that occurred during changeset indexing. 
ChangeType Defines the standard Change types which may occur in a given Changeset
Command<T> Wraps an operation which may be run synchronously
CommandBuilder<B extends CommandBuilder<B>> Provides a fluent interface for creating free-form commands using arbitrary arguments
CommandBuilderSupport<B extends CommandBuilderSupport<B>> Provides a unifying abstraction for common functionality expected to be provided by both free-form CommandBuilders and, for those plugins which choose to provide them, type-safe builders. 
CommandCanceledException Exception that is thrown when a command is cancelled. 
CommandErrorHandler Describes an OutputHandler which processes the standard error stream from a Command
CommandException Exception that is thrown when command fails to complete. 
CommandExitHandler Describes a handler for processing Command exit details, whether the command completes or is canceled. 
CommandFailedException Exception that is thrown when a command fails. 
CommandInputHandler Describes an InputHandler which provides data to the standard input stream for a Command to process. 
CommandOutputHandler<T> Describes an OutputHandler which processes the standard output stream from a Command and, optionally, produces some object T from it. 
CommentAction Enumerates the different actions which may be taken on a comment. 
CommentOperations The permitted operations allowed on a comment by the current user. 
ConditionalNotEmpty.List Support for multiple ConditionalNotEmpty annotations on the same type  
Conflict Describes two conflicting changes that were made on opposite sides of a merge. 
ConflictChange A minimal subset of a Change describing how a path was changed on one side of a Conflict
ConflictMarker Used to mark diff lines which represent a merge conflict. 
ContentService Retrieves the diff, the content or the the blame information of a file. 
ContentTreeCallback Callback interface for handling content tree nodes from a starting directory  
ContentTreeNode Represents a node in a source tree. 
ContentTreeNode.Type Enumeration of ContentTreeNode types  
CurrentRequestResolver Resolves the currently executing HTTP request. 
CustomPreconditions More precondition checks following the same pattern uses. 


DateFormatter Allows the formatting of a date according to predefined formats. 
DateFormatter.FormatType A predefined date format. 
DeprecatedUserService Contains methods which are in some phase of deprecation in preparation for being removed from the UserService
DetailedChangeset Describes a set of changes between two commits. 
DetailedGroup Extends a group, which is a simple String name generally, with additional details relating to the directory backing the group. 
DetailedUser Extends a StashUser with additional details relating to the directory backing the user. 
DiffContentCallback A callback for receiving streaming diff details. 
DiffSegmentType Enumerates the different segment types available in diff output. 
Directory Represents a directory in a source tree  
DirectoryRevision Represents a revision of a directory  
DisplayNameChangedEvent Event that is raised when the application display name is changed. 
DuplicatePullRequestException Indicates a pull request could not be created because there is already an open pull request with the same to/from repositories and branches. 


EmptyPullRequestException Indicates a pull request could not be created because it would have contained no changesets. 
ExpiredPasswordAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because their password has expired and must be changed. 


FeatureUnsupportedScmException Thrown by the ScmService to indicate a requested SCM feature, such as command builders or pull requests, is not supported by the associated SCM implementation. 
FieldEquals Validate that multiple fields on an object have identical values. 
FieldEqualsValidator Validate that multiple fields are identical. 
File Represents a File in a source tree  
FileContentCallback A callback for the contents of a file  
FilteredPageImpl<T> An instance of Page that supports pagination across an underlying paged collection. 
ForbiddenException Indicates that a particular action can not be performed by the current user. 


GrantedPermission Represents a permission that is granted to either a user, a group, or anonymous users (granted to everyone). 


HelpPathService A service for retrieving Stash help urls and related help information for a given help topic. 
HookHandler Represents an scm hook callback. 
HookRequest Represents a SCM Hook request. 
HookResponse Provides methods to write to an scm client's stdout and stderr streams. 
HtmlCssInliner HtmlCssInliner inlines CSS from plugin modules into HTML. 
HttpURL Validate that the string is a valid https or https URL. 
HttpURLValidator Validate that the string is a valid http or https URL. 


I18nService Serves localised text. 
IllegalEntityStateException Thrown to indicate an entity's internal state was not acceptable for performing a requested operation. 
IllegalPullRequestStateException Thrown when an operation fails because the pull request is not in the expected state
IllegalRepositoryStateException Thrown to indicate an operation could not be completed because the repository was not in the expected state
InactiveUserAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the user cannot be authenticated because their account is no longer active. 
IncorrectCaptchaAuthenticationException A specialisation of CaptchaAuthenticationException, thrown when the CAPTCHA response provided by the user does not match the image that was presented. 
IncorrectPasswordAuthenticationException A specialisation of AuthenticationException, thrown to indicate the password supplied during an authentication attempt does not match the password on record. 
IncorrectStashBaseUrlException This exception is thrown when the Stash baseUrl supplied to JIRA to create a reciprocal application link was not accessible from the JIRA server. 
IndexedChangeset Represents a changset that has been indexed. 
Int Validate a number is a valid integer. 
IntegerValidator Validate a value can be converted to an Integer, optionally validating whether the number is positive. 
IntValidator Validator for the Int annotation. 
InvalidPullRequestParticipantException Indicates an operation to mutate particulars of an existing pull request participant or an operation to add a participant to a pull request is invalid. 
InvalidPullRequestReviewersException Indicates one or more reviewers could not be added to a new or existing pull request because the users either don't exist, don't have permission to view the pull request. 
InvalidPullRequestRoleException Indicates the supplied role is invalid for the current operation 


JiraSetupException Used to indicate something has gone wrong with the creation of the JIRA Application Link and/or creation of the JIRA Crowd configuration. 
JiraSetupService Encapsulates Stash-JIRA interaction for:
  1. creating a reciprocated (2-way) Application Link;
  2. authenticating that link with Trusted Applications; and
  3. (optionally) creating a user directory from the selected JIRA server. 
JiraUserCredentialsException This exception is thrown when the user-supplied JIRA admin username and/or password was incorrect, or the user authenticated successfully but they are not an administrator. 




LicenseChangedEvent Event that is raised when the Stash license is changed. 
LicenseService The Stash License Service. 
LimitExceededException Indicates that the requested operation would breach an internally enforced limit or policy, defined to ensure that the system operates within defined parameters. 
LoggingService Service that allows runtime configuration of the logging subsystem. 


MailAuthenticationException Indicates there is an authentication issue talking to the configured mail server. 
MailException Base class for mail exceptions. 
MailHostConfiguration Class containing the mail host configuration. 
MailHostConfigurationChangedEvent Event that is raised when the mail host configuration is changed. 
MailMessage Class representing a mail message. 
MailQueueFullException Indicates the backing mail queue is full and the mail message cannot be accepted Regarding logging of instances of this exception, see MailException
MailSendException Indicates an error occurred sending an email. 
MailService Service used for formatting, scheduling and sending of emails. 
MailSizeExceededException Indicates there was an attempt to send an email that exceeds the maximum email size limit. 
MarkupService Renders content to markup using a pipeline of handlers, such as updating mentions and linking to JIRA issues. 
MinimalChangeset A minimal changeset, defining only identifier information. 


NavBuilder Helps build Stash urls using a fluent interface. 
NavBuilder.Admin The builder for /admin  
NavBuilder.BrowseRepoResource The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse[/...]  
NavBuilder.Builder<B extends Builder> Base interface for all terminal builders (builders which can produce a url)  
NavBuilder.Changeset The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits/ID#path  
NavBuilder.CreateProject The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ?create  
NavBuilder.CreatePullRequest The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requets?create... 
NavBuilder.CreateRepo The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos?create  
NavBuilder.DeleteUser The builder for /users/delete  
NavBuilder.ListBranches The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/branches  
NavBuilder.ListCommits The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/commits  
NavBuilder.ListProjects The builder for /projects  
NavBuilder.ListRepos The builder for /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse - essentially the same as NavBuilder.Project but with support for start and limit params to control the repository list  
NavBuilder.ListTags The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/tags[/...]  
NavBuilder.PagedBuilder<B extends PagedBuilder> A builder for urls that represent a collection of things, one page at a time. 
NavBuilder.PathBuilder<B extends PathBuilder> The builder of urls that have a path to a file resource  
NavBuilder.PluginServlets The builder for the plugin servlets  
NavBuilder.Project The builder for urls hanging off /projects/PROJ. 
NavBuilder.ProjectDelete The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/delete  
NavBuilder.ProjectPermissions The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/permissions  
NavBuilder.ProjectSettings The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/settings  
NavBuilder.PullRequest The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requets/ID/... 
NavBuilder.PullRequestOverview The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/pull-requets/ID/overview... 
NavBuilder.Repo The builder of urls hanging off /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO. 
NavBuilder.RepoClone The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse/REVISION/... 
NavBuilder.RepoDelete The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/delete  
NavBuilder.RepoSettings The builder of urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/settings  
NavBuilder.Rest The builder for the REST API  
NavBuilder.RestAdmin The builder for the REST admin API  
NavBuilder.RevisionBrowse The builder for urls of the form /projects/PROJ/repos/REPO/browse/...?at=REVISION  
NavBuilder.ViewGroup The builder for /group/view  
NavBuilder.ViewUser The builder for /users/view  
NoDefaultBranchException Thrown to indicate the configured default branch for a repository does not exist. 
NoMailHostConfigurationException Indicates the Mail server is not configured and mail cannot be sent. 
NonNegativeInt Validate a number is a non-negative integer. 
NonNegativeIntValidator Validator for the NonNegativeInt annotation. 
NoSuchChangesetException Indicates no changeset exists with the specified ID. 
NoSuchGroupException Specialisation of NoSuchEntityException thrown to indicate the named group does not exist. 
NoSuchParticipantException Indicates that the person specified in the operation is not a participant of the pull request. 
NoSuchPullRequestException Indicates that a pull request was requested that does not exist. 
NoSuchUserException Indicates the named user does not exist 
NotAJiraServerException This exception is thrown when the setup service can not retrieve the remote JIRA server's UAL manifest (usually available at /rest/applinks/1.0/manifest). 


Operation<T, E extends Throwable> Interface for operations carried out by services on behalf of plugins 
OptionalString Optional but if it is supplied it must be no longer than max characters and must not be the empty string (0-length). 
OptionalStringValidator Validator for the OptionalString annotation. 
Order Specifies the direction a list of results should be ordered - ascending or descending order. 


Page<T> Provides support for pagination. 
PagedCallback Marker interface augmenting a callback which produces a Page of results during its processing. 
PageRequest Pagination for a request. 
PageRequestImpl Default implementation of PageRequest
Path A bean representation of a path  
Permission This enumeration encodes permissions and their inheritance, as well as their weighting. 
PermissionAdminService Updates the permissions of users and groups. 
PermissionEvent Base event signalling permission changes. 
PermissionGrantedEvent This event is fired when a user or group is granted a permission within Stash. 
PermissionPredicateFactory Factory for creation permission-predicates  
PermissionRevokedEvent This event is fired when a user or group has a permission revoked.. 
PermissionService Reads the permissions of users and groups. 
PermissionValidationService A utility service for plugin developer to validate that the current user has a specific permission. 
PermittedGroup Defines an association between a group and a Permission which has been granted to it. 
PermittedOperations The permitted operations allowed on an entity for the current user. 
PermittedUser Defines an association between a StashUser and a Permission which has been granted to them. 
Person A minimal person abstraction, suitable for describing authors, committers and other people who may not have an explicit user account. 
Progress A representation of the current progress of a task  
ProgressImpl A default immutable implementation of the Progress interface. 
ProgressReporter A reporter for the current status of a task. 
Project A project in Stash. 
ProjectCreatedEvent Event that is raised when a project is created. 
ProjectCreationRequestedEvent Raised just before a project is created. 
ProjectDeletedEvent Event that is raised when a project is deleted. 
ProjectDeleteRequestedEvent This class is deprecated. Deprecated in 2.0 for removal in 3.0, replaced by ProjectDeletionRequestedEvent. 
ProjectDeletionRequestedEvent /** Event that is raised just before a project is deleted. 
ProjectEvent Base class for all project related events  
ProjectModifiedEvent Event that is raised when a project is modified. 
ProjectService Creates, updates and deletes projects. 
PullRequestAction Enumerates the actions which can be taken on a pull request, defining the activities that may occur. 
PullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity> A Page of activities allowing clients to both advance and reverse from this page by using the results of getPreviousPageStartId() and getNextPageRequest()
PullRequestApprovedEvent Event that is raised when a pull request participant approves a pull request 
PullRequestCommentAddedEvent Event that is raised when a comment is added on a pull request. 
PullRequestCommentDeletedEvent Event that is raised when a comment is deleted on a pull request. 
PullRequestCommentEditedEvent Event that is raised when a comment is edited on a pull request. 
PullRequestCommentEvent Event that is raised when a comment is added, edited or deleted on a pull request. 
PullRequestCommentRepliedEvent Event that is raised when a comment is replied to on a pull request. 
PullRequestDeclinedEvent Event that is raised when a pull request is declined. 
PullRequestDirection Specified the direction of a pull request relative to a subject repository and branch. 
PullRequestEffectiveDiff Describes the commits selected for a pull request's effective diff. 
PullRequestEntityType The various types of entities connected with a pull request. 
PullRequestEvent Base type for all pull request related events. 
PullRequestMergeability Describes whether a pull request can merge and why this is so. 
PullRequestMergeCommandParameters Parameters for merging a pull request. 
PullRequestMergedEvent Event that is raised when a pull request is merged. 
PullRequestMergeVeto Represents the details of a merge request veto. 
PullRequestMergeVetoedException Indicates a pull request merge request was vetoed by one or more merge-check plugin modules. 
PullRequestOpenedEvent Event that is raised when a pull request is opened. 
PullRequestOrder Specifies the direction a list of results should be ordered - oldest first or newest first. 
PullRequestParticipantsUpdatedEvent An event raised when the total set of reviewers and role-less participants for a pull request changes. 
PullRequestReopenedEvent Event that is raised when a pull request is reopened. 
PullRequestRescopedEvent Event that is raised when the ref for the source-branch and/or the target-branch of a pull request is updated. 
PullRequestRole Enumerates the possible roles a participant can have in a pull request. 
PullRequestRolesUpdatedEvent An event raised when one ore more users have had their explicit role in a pull request changed. 
PullRequestService A service for the management of pull requests and their comments. 
PullRequestState Enumerates the possible states a pull request can be in. 
PullRequestUnapprovedEvent Event that is raised when a pull request participant withdraws an approval from a pull request 
PullRequestUpdatedEvent Event that is raised when the pull request title or description are updated. 


Ref Common abstraction between reference types like branches and tags
RefChange Represents a ref change, used mainly by RepositoryPushEvent
RefChangeType Represents the different types of ref changes. 
RefOrder Defines orderings which can be applied when retrieving references. 
RenderContext Context-specific data for rendering markup. 
RenderException Indicates a fatal exception occurred rendering markup, mostly likely due to IO errors rather than actual markup problems. 
Repository A repository in Stash. 
RepositoryAccessedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is accessed by a user. 
RepositoryCloneEvent Event that is raised when a git client pushed to a repository. 
RepositoryCreatedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is created  
RepositoryCreationFailedEvent Event that is raised when repository creation fails  
RepositoryCreationRequestedEvent Raised just before a repository is created. 
RepositoryDeletedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is deleted  
RepositoryDeleteRequestedEvent This class is deprecated. Deprecated in 2.0 for removal in 3.0, replaced by RepositoryDeletionRequestedEvent. 
RepositoryDeletionRequestedEvent Raised just before a repository is deleted. 
RepositoryEvent Base class for all events related to repositories: pushes, pulls, merge operations, etc. 
RepositoryMetadataService A service for interacting with metadata about a given Repository, such as branches and tags. 
RepositoryModifiedEvent Event that is raised when a repository is updated. 
RepositoryOperationResult The asynchronous result of a repository operation. 
RepositoryPullEvent Event that is raised when a git client pulls from a repository. 
RepositoryPushEvent Event that is raised when a git client pushed to a repository. 
RequestCallback<T, E extends Exception> Callback provided to callers of doAsRequest(RequestCallback, RequestInfoProvider)
RequestContext Provides information about a request, such as the requestId, sessionId, remoteAddress and more. 
RequestEndedEvent Dispatched to indicate a requestContext has ended. 
RequestEvent A base class for constructing events related to requests (i.e. 
RequestInfoProvider Interface for providing request details to RequestManager
RequestManager Sets up and tears down all logic for processing requests, such as logging, access logging, profiling and publishing RequestStartedEvent and RequestEndedEvent
RequestStartedEvent Dispatched to indicate a request has started. 
RequiredField Validate that a field is non-blank  
RequiredString Validate that the string is not empty and below a certain size, and report any violation as a single message. 
ResourceBusyException Exception thrown to indicate a resource is busy. 


ScmCommandBuilder<B extends ScmCommandBuilder<B>> Augments the CommandBuilder with SCM-related properties, still supporting creating free-form commands. 
ScmCommandFactory Creates commands which provide basic SCM functionality such as creating repositories, retrieving commits and viewing diffs. 
ScmException Base class for exceptions thrown by the ScmService and other SCM components. 
ScmHookHandlerFactory Factory for HookHandler instances for a given HookRequest
ScmService Describes a service for interacting with an SCM, allowing commands to be created/executed to perform SCM operations. 
ScmType This enum is deprecated. Will be removed in Stash 2.1  
SecurityService Plugins may wish to perform operations as a particular user. 
ServerEmailAddressChangedEvent Event that is raised when the server email address is changed. 
SimplePullRequestActivityPage<T extends PullRequestActivity>  
StashApplicationTypeNotInstalledException This exception is thrown when the Stash UAL ApplicationType has not been installed in the remote JIRA server. 
StashAuthenticationContext Obtains the current user logged in Stash. 
StashEvent Base event class for all Stash events. 
StashUser Represents a registered user of Stash. 
SystemProperties This class lists the environment variables that Stash supports  


Tag A Ref denoting a tag in the repository. 
TemplateRenderingException Thrown when a template could not be rendered. 
ThrottleService Manages buckets of Tickets which may be used to throttle access to named resources. 
Ticket A ticket to access a named resource. 
TicketAcquiredEvent Event raised when a Ticket is acquired from a given bucket in the ThrottleService
TicketEvent Base class for Ticket events which are broadcast by the ThrottleService
TicketRejectedEvent Event raised when an attempt to acquire a Ticket from a given bucket is rejected by the ThrottleService
TicketReleasedEvent Event raised when a Ticket is released back into its bucket by the ThrottleService
TransactionAware Used to annotate events which need to be aware of the surrounding transaction, if any. 
TransactionAware.When Defines the different points, relative to a transaction's lifecycle, at which an event can be published. 
TypeAwareOutputSupplier OutputSupplier-style interface. 


UnavailableScmException Thrown by the ScmService to indicate that a plugin is installed for the requested SCM, but that the plugin is not in a usable state. 
UncheckedOperation<T> Convenience version of Operation that does not define a checked exception on its interface. 
UnmodifiablePullRequestRoleException Thrown when attempting to modify the author of a pull request. 
UnsupportedScmException Thrown by the ScmService to indicate none of the installed plugins supports the requested SCM. 
UrlMode A formatting mode for URLs. 
UserAdminService Provides methods for querying, creating and updating users and groups. 
UserService Provides methods for querying users and managing authentication. 


VelocityHelper Helper to render web fragments. 
Version Version represents a version. 
ViewException Indicates something went wrong when rendering a view. 
ViewStreamIOException Thrown when there was a problem writing a rendered view to a stream, appendable or similar. 

