

This package contains the main JSP tag library. The tag library provides a way by which JSP's can access result data from Actions that has executed. The JSP's may also execute Actions and include output from other Actions as a way to support HMVC.



ActionTag Instantiate an Action and execute it. 
BasicPropertyTag Access the value of a named property. 
BeanTag Instantiate a JavaBean. 
DeclareTag This tag will capture the body text and place it into the PageContext using its id as the attribute key  
I18nTag Gets a resource bundle and place it on the value stack. 
IncludeTag Include a servlets output (For example, result of servlet, or a JSP page). 
IteratorStatus The iterator tag can export an IteratorStatus object so that one can get information about the status of the iteration, such as the size, current index, and whether any more items are available. 
IteratorTag Tag to iterate over an iterable value. 
ParamTag This tag can be used to parameterize other tags, who implement the ParametricTag interface declared here. 
PropertyTag Access the value of a named property. 
PushTag Find the specified value using the ValueStack and then push it on top of the stack. 
TagUtil This class contains utility methods that are used by most of the tags. 
TextTag Access a i18n-ized message. 
URLEncodeTag This tags acts like a property tag except that it uses URL encoding instead of HTML encoding  
URLTag This tag is used to create a URL. 
WebWorkBodyTagSupport Base class for tags with bodies. 
WebWorkTagSupport Base class for tags. 
WriteTag A tag that will write out the string value of a