

Standard Lucene Query Nodes

The package org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.nodes contains QueryNode classes that are used specifically for Lucene query node tree. Any other generic QueryNode is defined under org.apache.lucene.queryParser.nodes.


BooleanModifierNode A BooleanModifierNode has the same behaviour as ModifierQueryNode, it only indicates that this modifier was added by GroupQueryNodeProcessor and not by the user. 
MultiPhraseQueryNode A MultiPhraseQueryNode indicates that its children should be used to build a MultiPhraseQuery instead of PhraseQuery
PrefixWildcardQueryNode A PrefixWildcardQueryNode represents wildcardquery that matches abc* or *. 
RangeQueryNode This query node represents a range query. 
StandardBooleanQueryNode A StandardBooleanQueryNode has the same behavior as BooleanQueryNode
WildcardQueryNode A WildcardQueryNode represents wildcard query This does not apply to phrases.