
Analyzer for Portuguese.


PortugueseAnalyzer Analyzer for Portuguese. 
PortugueseLightStemFilter A TokenFilter that applies PortugueseLightStemmer to stem Portuguese words. 
PortugueseLightStemmer Light Stemmer for Portuguese

This stemmer implements the "UniNE" algorithm in: Light Stemming Approaches for the French, Portuguese, German and Hungarian Languages Jacques Savoy  

PortugueseMinimalStemFilter A TokenFilter that applies PortugueseMinimalStemmer to stem Portuguese words. 
PortugueseMinimalStemmer Minimal Stemmer for Portuguese

This follows the "RSLP-S" algorithm presented in: A study on the Use of Stemming for Monolingual Ad-Hoc Portuguese Information Retrieval (Orengo, et al) which is just the plural reduction step of the RSLP algorithm from A Stemming Algorithmm for the Portuguese Language, Orengo et al. 

PortugueseStemFilter A TokenFilter that applies PortugueseStemmer to stem Portuguese words. 
PortugueseStemmer Portuguese stemmer implementing the RSLP (Removedor de Sufixos da Lingua Portuguesa) algorithm. 
RSLPStemmerBase Base class for stemmers that use a set of RSLP-like stemming steps. 
RSLPStemmerBase.Rule A basic rule, with no exceptions. 
RSLPStemmerBase.RuleWithSetExceptions A rule with a set of whole-word exceptions. 
RSLPStemmerBase.RuleWithSuffixExceptions A rule with a set of exceptional suffixes. 
RSLPStemmerBase.Step A step containing a list of rules.