public interface


implements Serializable
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Used to store the results of the actual importing of the project. This includes statistics on what was created and any error messages that may have been generated during the import.


Public Methods
boolean abortImport()
Returns false if the number of allowed errors have been exceeded, true otherwise
void addError(String error)
Adds the given Error message to the error list.
void addResult(long count, String msgKey)
Add an import result.
int getAttachmentsCreatedCount()
Returns the number of created attachments.
List<String> getErrors()
Returns a list of all the errors that were added to this result object.
int getExpectedAttachmentsCreatedCount()
Returns the number of attachments the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.
int getExpectedIssuesCreatedCount()
Returns the number of issues the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.
int getExpectedUsersCreatedCount()
Returns the number of users the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.
int getGroupsCreatedCountForRole(String roleName)
Returns the count of all groups added to the specified role
I18nHelper getI18n()
Returns the I18nHelper associated with this Project Import.
long getImportDuration()
This uses the start time and the end time to determine how long the actual import took.
Project getImportedProject()
Returns the created/updated project that the import imported into.
int getIssuesCreatedCount()
Returns the number of created issues.
@Internal List<Pair<StringLong>> getResults()
Get the results.
Collection<String> getRoles()
Returns the role names of all roles that have had a group or user added to it.
int getUsersCreatedCount()
Returns the number of created users.
int getUsersCreatedCountForRole(String roleName)
Returns the count of all users added to the specified role
void incrementAttachmentsCreatedCount()
Adds to the count of created attachments.
void incrementIssuesCreatedCount()
Adds to the count of created issues.
void incrementRoleGroupCreatedCount(String roleName)
Should be called to increment the count of groups added to a specific role.
void incrementRoleUserCreatedCount(String roleName)
Should be called to increment the count of users added to a specific role.
void incrementUsersCreatedCount()
Adds to the count of created users.
boolean isImportCompleted()
Returns true if the import completed all steps of the import, false otherwise.
void setEndTime(long endTime)
The time, as milliseconds, that the import ended.
void setImportCompleted(boolean importCompleted)
Should be called with true if all steps of the import were able to proceed (i.e.
void setImportedProject(Project importedProject)
Sets the imported project, this is the project that exists in JIRA.

Public Methods

public boolean abortImport ()

Returns false if the number of allowed errors have been exceeded, true otherwise

  • false if the number of allowed errors have been exceeded, true otherwise

public void addError (String error)

Adds the given Error message to the error list. If the error limit is reached, then we throw an AbortImportException to stop the import.

error the error message.

public void addResult (long count, String msgKey)

Add an import result. This method is provided to enable plugins to supply counts of items imported. Plugins should try to display only a small amount of the most relevant information so as not to overwhelm the user and clutter the results.

count Number of objects imported
msgKey Key to a label message for the objects imported

public int getAttachmentsCreatedCount ()

Returns the number of created attachments.

  • the number of created attachments.

public List<String> getErrors ()

Returns a list of all the errors that were added to this result object.

  • a list of all the errors that were added to this result object.

public int getExpectedAttachmentsCreatedCount ()

Returns the number of attachments the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.

  • the number of attachments the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.

public int getExpectedIssuesCreatedCount ()

Returns the number of issues the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.

  • the number of issues the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.

public int getExpectedUsersCreatedCount ()

Returns the number of users the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.

  • the number of users the import expected it could create before doing the actual import.

public int getGroupsCreatedCountForRole (String roleName)

Returns the count of all groups added to the specified role

roleName the role you want the count for, this should be the role name as provided in the increment method
  • the count of all groups added to the specified role

public I18nHelper getI18n ()

Returns the I18nHelper associated with this Project Import. This can be used to localise error messages before they are added in this ProjectImportResult.

  • the I18nHelper associated with this Project Import.

public long getImportDuration ()

This uses the start time and the end time to determine how long the actual import took.

  • number of milliseconds the import took to run.
See Also

public Project getImportedProject ()

Returns the created/updated project that the import imported into.

  • the created/updated project that the import imported into.

public int getIssuesCreatedCount ()

Returns the number of created issues.

  • the number of created issues.

@Internal public List<Pair<StringLong>> getResults ()


This method is an internal implementation detail and will change without notice.

Clients that depend on @Internal classes and interfaces can not expect to be compatible with any version other than the version they were compiled against (even minor version and milestone releases may break binary compatibility with respect to @Internal elements).

Get the results. The results consist of a Pair consisting of a resolved description and the number of those objects imported.


  • Rapid Boards, 12
  • Sprints, 2765

  • Iterable of result messages.

public Collection<String> getRoles ()

Returns the role names of all roles that have had a group or user added to it.

  • the role names of all roles that have had a group or user added to it.

public int getUsersCreatedCount ()

Returns the number of created users.

  • the number of created users.

public int getUsersCreatedCountForRole (String roleName)

Returns the count of all users added to the specified role

roleName the role you want the count for, this should be the role name as provided in the increment method
  • the count of all users added to the specified role

public void incrementAttachmentsCreatedCount ()

Adds to the count of created attachments.

public void incrementIssuesCreatedCount ()

Adds to the count of created issues.

public void incrementRoleGroupCreatedCount (String roleName)

Should be called to increment the count of groups added to a specific role.

roleName uniquely identifies the project role by its human readable name, this should not be the role id.

public void incrementRoleUserCreatedCount (String roleName)

Should be called to increment the count of users added to a specific role.

roleName uniquely identifies the project role by its human readable name, this should not be the role id.

public void incrementUsersCreatedCount ()

Adds to the count of created users.

public boolean isImportCompleted ()

Returns true if the import completed all steps of the import, false otherwise. This method can return true and the getErrors can return errors. This will not return true if the errors went over the allowable threshold, and the Import was aborted.

  • true if the import completed all steps of the import, false otherwise.

public void setEndTime (long endTime)

The time, as milliseconds, that the import ended. This must be set in order to get the import duration.

endTime the time the import has stopped in milliseconds

public void setImportCompleted (boolean importCompleted)

Should be called with true if all steps of the import were able to proceed (i.e. no AbortImportException was thrown).

importCompleted true if completed, false otherwise.

public void setImportedProject (Project importedProject)

Sets the imported project, this is the project that exists in JIRA.

importedProject the imported project, this is the project that exists in JIRA.