public class


extends Object
implements ConfigurationCheck
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.functest.config.ServiceChecker

Class Overview

Test to make sure that the debug service is not configured. The debug service is one we use in tests. It is basically a service that can be configured to take a long time to run (i.e. it sleeps) but actually does nothing. If we have one of these in our tests the debug service can delay other services from running (e.g. backup service) which can lead to that other services deadlocking JIRA (e.g. if it runs during a restore) if they are delayed into the next restore. This actually happens.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
ConfigurationCheck.Result checkConfiguration(JiraConfig config, CheckOptions options)
Check the correctness of the passed JIRA XML.
void fixConfiguration(JiraConfig config, CheckOptions options)
Fix the passed JIRA configuration and remove any errors.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.functest.config.ConfigurationCheck


public static final String CHECK_SERVICE

Constant Value: "service"

Public Constructors

public ServiceChecker ()

Public Methods

public ConfigurationCheck.Result checkConfiguration (JiraConfig config, CheckOptions options)

Check the correctness of the passed JIRA XML. It must be possible to call this method multiple times with different agruments (i.e. the object should be stateless).

config the configuration to check.
options the context for the check. This is where errors can be reported.
  • the errors that were found in the passed configuration file.

public void fixConfiguration (JiraConfig config, CheckOptions options)

Fix the passed JIRA configuration and remove any errors.

config the configuration to check.
options the context for the check. This can be used to see what checks are currently enabled for the passed configuration.