@PublicApi public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


This interface is designed for plugins to consume (call its methods).

Clients of @PublicApi can expect that programs compiled against a given version will remain binary compatible with later versions of the @PublicApi as per each product's API policy as long as the client does not implement/extend @PublicApi interfaces or classes (refer to each product's API policy for the exact guarantee---usually binary compatibility is guaranteed at least across minor versions).

Note: since @PublicApi interfaces and classes are not designed to be implemented or extended by clients, we may perform certain types of binary-incompatible changes to these classes and interfaces, but these will not affect well-behaved clients that do not extend/implement these types (in general, only classes and interfaces annotated with @PublicSpi are safe to extend/implement).

Class Overview

Manager for Priorityies


Public Methods
Priority createPriority(String name, String description, String iconUrl, String color)
Create a new priority.
void editPriority(Priority priority, String name, String description, String iconUrl, String color)
Edit an existing priority.
Priority getDefaultPriority()
Returns the default priority.
List<Priority> getPriorities()
Returns all priorities.
Priority getPriority(String id)
Returns a priority.
void movePriorityDown(String id)
Move the resolution down in the order.
void movePriorityUp(String id)
Move the resolution up in the order.
void removePriority(String id, String newPriorityId)
Removes a priority.
void setDefaultPriority(String id)
Sets the default priority.

Public Methods

public Priority createPriority (String name, String description, String iconUrl, String color)

Create a new priority.

name name of the priority. Cannot be blank or null. Must be unique.
description description of the priority
iconUrl icon url of the priority
color color for the priority.

public void editPriority (Priority priority, String name, String description, String iconUrl, String color)

Edit an existing priority.

priority existing priority.
name name of the priority
description description of the priority
iconUrl icon Url of the priority
color color of the priority

public Priority getDefaultPriority ()

Returns the default priority.

  • the default Priority or if none configured null.

public List<Priority> getPriorities ()

Returns all priorities. Sorted by sequence. The order can be modified by calling movePriorityDown(String) or movePriorityUp(String)


public Priority getPriority (String id)

Returns a priority.

id priority id
  • a Priority or null if no priority with the specified id could be found.

public void movePriorityDown (String id)

Move the resolution down in the order.

id id of the resolution.

public void movePriorityUp (String id)

Move the resolution up in the order.

id id of the resolution.

public void removePriority (String id, String newPriorityId)

Removes a priority. When removing the priority it will change the priority of all issues which have the priority that has been deleted to the priority with id specified as the second argument.

id priority id to remove.
newPriorityId priority to use for all issues which have the priority which has been removed. Cannot be null.

public void setDefaultPriority (String id)

Sets the default priority.

id priority id