public class


extends AbstractIssueConstantsManager<T extends IssueConstant>
implements StatusManager Startable
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.config.AbstractIssueConstantsManager<T extends com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueConstant>
     ↳ com.atlassian.jira.config.DefaultStatusManager


Inherited Fields
From class com.atlassian.jira.config.AbstractIssueConstantsManager
Public Constructors
DefaultStatusManager(ConstantsManager constantsManager, OfBizDelegator ofBizDelegator, IssueIndexManager issueIndexManager, WorkflowManager workflowManager, IssueConstantFactory factory, StatusCategoryManager statusCategoryManager, ClusterLockService clusterLockService)
Public Methods
Status createStatus(String name, String description, String iconUrl, StatusCategory statusCategory)
Creates a new status.
Status createStatus(String name, String description, String iconUrl)
Creates a new status.
void editStatus(Status status, String name, String description, String iconUrl, StatusCategory statusCategory)
Edit an existing status.
void editStatus(Status status, String name, String description, String iconUrl)
Edit an existing status.
Status getStatus(String id)
Get a status by id.
Collection<Status> getStatuses()
void moveStatusDown(String id)
Move the status down in the order.
void moveStatusUp(String id)
Move the status up in the order.
void removeStatus(String id)
Removes a status.
void start()
This method will be called after the plugin system is fully initialised and all components added to the dependency injection framework.
Protected Methods
void clearCaches()
List<Status> getAllValues()
String getIssueConstantField()
void postProcess(Status constant)
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.jira.config.AbstractIssueConstantsManager
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.config.StatusManager
From interface com.atlassian.jira.extension.Startable

Public Constructors

public DefaultStatusManager (ConstantsManager constantsManager, OfBizDelegator ofBizDelegator, IssueIndexManager issueIndexManager, WorkflowManager workflowManager, IssueConstantFactory factory, StatusCategoryManager statusCategoryManager, ClusterLockService clusterLockService)

Public Methods

public Status createStatus (String name, String description, String iconUrl, StatusCategory statusCategory)

Creates a new status.

name name of the status. Cannot be blank or null and has to be unique.
description description of the status.
iconUrl icon url for this status. Cannot be blank or null.
statusCategory status category of the status. Cannot be null

public Status createStatus (String name, String description, String iconUrl)

Creates a new status.

name name of the status. Cannot be blank or null and has to be unique.
description description of the status.
iconUrl icon url for this status. Cannot be blank or null.

public void editStatus (Status status, String name, String description, String iconUrl, StatusCategory statusCategory)

Edit an existing status.

status status to edit.
name new name. Has to be unique.
description new description
iconUrl new icon url
statusCategory status category of the status. Cannot be null

public void editStatus (Status status, String name, String description, String iconUrl)

Edit an existing status.

status status to edit.
name new name. Has to be unique.
description new description
iconUrl new icon url

public Status getStatus (String id)

Get a status by id.

id status id
  • the Status, or null if no status with this id exists.

public Collection<Status> getStatuses ()

public void moveStatusDown (String id)

Move the status down in the order.

id id of the status.

public void moveStatusUp (String id)

Move the status up in the order.

id id of the status.

public void removeStatus (String id)

Removes a status.

id status id

public void start ()

This method will be called after the plugin system is fully initialised and all components added to the dependency injection framework.

Protected Methods

protected void clearCaches ()

protected List<Status> getAllValues ()

protected String getIssueConstantField ()

protected void postProcess (Status constant)