


ApplicationUser Represents a person who uses JIRA. 
AutoGroupAdder Marker interface for a component which self registers an AutoGroupAdder listener. 
SecureUserTokenManager Provides the ability to generated and multiple secure tokens for a given user and type. 
UserAdminHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Admin pages 
UserDeleteVeto Service that can decide whether a user can be deleted or not. 
UserFilterManager provide read/write functionality for user filtering settings. 
UserHistoryManager The manager responsible for storing and retreiving UserHistoryItem objects. 
UserHistoryStore Store interface for UserHistoryItem objects. 
UserIssueHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Issue objects 
UserIssueSearcherHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to store and retrieve history items UserHistoryItem of the type ISSUESEARCHER. 
UserKeyService A simple service to map userkeys to usernames. 
UserLocaleStore Store that deals with an user's configured locale. 
UserProjectHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to deal directly with Project objects 
UserPropertyManager The manager allows the caller to get the PropertySet associated with a user. 
UserQueryHistoryManager A wrapper of the UserHistoryManager that allows you to store and retrieve history items UserHistoryItem of the type JQL_QUERY. 


ApplicationUsers Contains utility methods for getting an ApplicationUser from a directory User. 
AutoGroupAdderImpl Registers an AutoGroupAdderListener. 
BootstrapUserLocaleStore Used when JIRA has no access to the database. 
CachingUserHistoryStore Caching implementation of UserHistoryStore
DefaultUserAdminHistoryManager A convenience wrapper around the UserHistoryManager to work directly with admin pages and perform permission checks. 
DefaultUserHistoryManager Default implementation of the UserHistoryManager. 
DefaultUserIssueHistoryManager A convenience wrapper around the UserHistoryManager to work directly with issues and perform permission checks 
DefaultUserIssueSearcherHistoryManager Default implementation of UserIssueSearcherHistoryManager 
DefaultUserProjectHistoryManager Convienience wrapper for the UserHistoryManager that deals directly with Projects. 
DefaultUserQueryHistoryManager Default implementation of UserQueryHistoryManager 
DelegatingApplicationUser An ApplicationUser comprising of a String key and an embedded crowd User. 
MockApplicationUser A convenient mock for ApplicationUser
MockUser A convenient mock for User that supplies reasonable behaviour for unit tests. 
OfbizExternalEntityStore This used to exist to create entities in the ExternalEntity table which was used to generate system id's for usernames that exist in external systems. 
OfBizUserHistoryStore OfBiz implementation of UserHistoryStore 
RemoteUser Represents a JIRA User within our "network" of federated JIRA servers. 
SessionBasedAnonymousUserHistoryStore Session based caching implementation of UserHistoryStore
UserFilter Represents user filtering setting. 
UserFilterUtils Some utility functions for dealing with UserFilter instances. 
UserHistoryDatabaseCompactor Job which clears userhistoryitem table from entries older than 90 days 
UserSet Keeps a unique set of Users based on the username only. 
UserUtils A static helper class for User operations. 


SecureUserTokenManager.TokenType Token will be usable only for types of requests specified via this enum