


JiraTenantAccessor Extension to the TenantAccessor allowing us to add tenants. 
JiraTenantContext The tenant context is used to track tenants 
TenancyCondition Allows you to check if the instance is tenant enabled or not. 
TenantInitialDataLoader If a tenant needs to load some initial data it should provide a loader. 
TenantSetupRegistrar has registration methods for registering and unregistering TenantInitialDataLoader objects 


DefaultJiraTenantAccessor Implementation of TenantAccessor for InstantOn - only has a system tenant 
DefaultLandlordRequests This class is responsible for accepting Tenants - Currently in BTF mode we always have a tenant after setup - 
JiraTenancyCondition Helper class to test if tenancy is enabled. 
JiraTenantImpl Simple implementation of Tenant interface, with a simple ID property. 
PluginKeyPredicateLoader This class simply returns a PluginKeyPatternsPredicate for use by the 2 phase plugin system. 
TenantPluginBridge Acts as the bridge between the plugin system and the TenantAccessor - only allows phase 2 if a tenant has arrived and the plugin system earlyStart is complete. 