


AttachmentParser Converts issue attachment xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
ChangeGroupParser Converts change group xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
ChangeItemParser Converts change item xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
CommentParser Converts comment xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
CustomFieldParser Converts custom field and custom field configuration xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
CustomFieldValueParser Converts custom field value xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object into the EntityRepresentation. 
GroupParser Converts OSGroup xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
IssueLinkParser Converts IssueLink xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
IssueLinkTypeParser Converts IssueLinkType xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
IssueParser Converts issue xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
LabelParser Converts label xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
NodeAssociationParser Converts issue version and component information from the backup XML to an object representation. 
PluginVersionParser Converts plugin version information from the backup XML to an object representation. 
ProjectComponentParser Converts project component xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
ProjectParser Converts project xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
ProjectRoleActorParser Converts projectRoleActor xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
ProjectVersionParser Converts project version xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
UserAssociationParser Converts voter and watcher xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation. 
WorklogParser Converts worklog xml in a JIRA backup to an object representation and converts the object representation into EntityRepresentation
