public class


extends AbstractUserFieldImpl
implements HideableField RestAwareField RestFieldOperations
   ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractField
     ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractOrderableField
       ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractOrderableNavigableFieldImpl
         ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractUserFieldImpl
           ↳ com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AssigneeSystemField

Class Overview

Copyright (c) 2002-2004 All rights reserved.


Inherited Constants
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.NavigableField
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.OrderableField
Inherited Fields
From class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractField
Public Constructors
AssigneeSystemField(VelocityTemplatingEngine templatingEngine, PermissionManager permissionManager, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext, AssigneeStatisticsMapper assigneeStatisticsMapper, AssigneeResolver assigneeResolver, AssigneeSearchHandlerFactory assigneeSearchHandlerFactory, UserManager userManager, WebResourceManager webResourceManager, FeatureManager featureManager, JiraBaseUrls jiraBaseUrls, Assignees assignees, UserHistoryManager userHistoryManager)
Public Methods
String availableForBulkEdit(BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)
boolean canRemoveValueFromIssueObject(Issue issue)
void createValue(Issue issue, Object value)
String getBulkEditHtml(OperationContext operationContext, Action action, BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, Map displayParameters)
Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being bulk edited.
String getColumnHeadingKey()
String getColumnViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Map displayParams, Issue issue)
String getCreateHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
String getDefaultSortOrder()
Object getDefaultValue(Issue issue)
String getEditHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
FieldTypeInfo getFieldTypeInfo(FieldTypeInfoContext fieldTypeInfoContext)
Returns lower level Information about the field.
JsonData getJsonDefaultValue(IssueContext issueCtx)
Return The default data for this system field.
FieldJsonRepresentation getJsonFromIssue(Issue issue, boolean renderedVersionRequired, FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem)
Return a FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.
JsonType getJsonSchema()
Return a description of the shape of this field when represented as JSON.
RestFieldOperationsHandler getRestFieldOperation()
LuceneFieldSorter getSorter()
Object getValueFromParams(Map params)
String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)
String getViewHtml(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Action action, Issue issue, Object value, Map displayParameters)
boolean hasValue(Issue issue)
boolean isShown(Issue issue)
MessagedResult needsMove(Collection originalIssues, Issue targetIssue, FieldLayoutItem targetFieldLayoutItem)
void populateDefaults(Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)
void populateForMove(Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue originalIssue, Issue targetIssue)
void populateFromIssue(Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)
void populateParamsFromString(Map fieldValuesHolder, String stringValue, Issue issue)
void removeValueFromIssueObject(MutableIssue issue)
void updateIssue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, MutableIssue issue, Map fieldValueHolder)
void updateValue(FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Issue issue, ModifiedValue modifiedValue, IssueChangeHolder issueChangeHolder)
Update the issue
void validateParams(OperationContext operationContext, ErrorCollection errorCollectionToAddTo, I18nHelper i18n, Issue issue, FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem)
Validate from parameters given an existing issue (usually invoked during some sort of edit stage)
Protected Methods
Object getRelevantParams(Map params)
Inherited Methods
From class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractUserFieldImpl
From class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractOrderableNavigableFieldImpl
From class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractOrderableField
From class com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.AbstractField
From class java.lang.Object
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.Field
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.NavigableField
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.OrderableField
From interface com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.SearchableField
From interface
From interface
From interface java.lang.Comparable


public static final String AUTOMATIC_ASSIGNEE_STRING

Constant Value: "-automatic-"

Public Constructors

public AssigneeSystemField (VelocityTemplatingEngine templatingEngine, PermissionManager permissionManager, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, JiraAuthenticationContext authenticationContext, AssigneeStatisticsMapper assigneeStatisticsMapper, AssigneeResolver assigneeResolver, AssigneeSearchHandlerFactory assigneeSearchHandlerFactory, UserManager userManager, WebResourceManager webResourceManager, FeatureManager featureManager, JiraBaseUrls jiraBaseUrls, Assignees assignees, UserHistoryManager userHistoryManager)

Public Methods

public String availableForBulkEdit (BulkEditBean bulkEditBean)

public boolean canRemoveValueFromIssueObject (Issue issue)

public void createValue (Issue issue, Object value)

public String getBulkEditHtml (OperationContext operationContext, Action action, BulkEditBean bulkEditBean, Map displayParameters)

Returns HTML that should be shown when the issue is being bulk edited. By default calls the getEditHtml(com.atlassian.jira.issue.fields.layout.field.FieldLayoutItem, com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.OperationContext, webwork.action.Action, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, java.util.Map) method with null for FieldLayoutItem and the first issue in the collection}

operationContext OperationContext
action Action
bulkEditBean BulkEditBean
displayParameters Map of display parameters.
  • HTML that should be shown when the issue is being edited.

public String getColumnHeadingKey ()

public String getColumnViewHtml (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Map displayParams, Issue issue)

public String getCreateHtml (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)

public String getDefaultSortOrder ()

public Object getDefaultValue (Issue issue)

public String getEditHtml (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, OperationContext operationContext, Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)

public FieldTypeInfo getFieldTypeInfo (FieldTypeInfoContext fieldTypeInfoContext)

Returns lower level Information about the field. This information contains allowed values and/or the autocomplete url

fieldTypeInfoContext the FieldTypeInfoContext contains context information that is relevant to generate the FieldTypeInfo

public JsonData getJsonDefaultValue (IssueContext issueCtx)

Return The default data for this system field. May be null if there is no default.

issueCtx Issue (This should really only need to be an issue context, but for historical reasons we need an issue object.

public FieldJsonRepresentation getJsonFromIssue (Issue issue, boolean renderedVersionRequired, FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem)

Return a FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.

issue to get field data from
renderedVersionRequired whether the use requested the return of rendered/pretty data as well as raw data
fieldLayoutItem field layout for this field. Will only be supplied if the field is also an ordereable field.
  • FieldJsonDataPair containing a json representation of the raw data for this field, and if required, a json representation of the rendered data for easy display.

public JsonType getJsonSchema ()

Return a description of the shape of this field when represented as JSON.

public RestFieldOperationsHandler getRestFieldOperation ()

public LuceneFieldSorter getSorter ()

public Object getValueFromParams (Map params)

public String getViewHtml (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Action action, Issue issue, Map displayParameters)

public String getViewHtml (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Action action, Issue issue, Object value, Map displayParameters)

public boolean hasValue (Issue issue)

public boolean isShown (Issue issue)

public MessagedResult needsMove (Collection originalIssues, Issue targetIssue, FieldLayoutItem targetFieldLayoutItem)

public void populateDefaults (Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)

public void populateForMove (Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue originalIssue, Issue targetIssue)

public void populateFromIssue (Map fieldValuesHolder, Issue issue)

public void populateParamsFromString (Map fieldValuesHolder, String stringValue, Issue issue)

public void removeValueFromIssueObject (MutableIssue issue)

public void updateIssue (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, MutableIssue issue, Map fieldValueHolder)

public void updateValue (FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem, Issue issue, ModifiedValue modifiedValue, IssueChangeHolder issueChangeHolder)

Update the issue

public void validateParams (OperationContext operationContext, ErrorCollection errorCollectionToAddTo, I18nHelper i18n, Issue issue, FieldScreenRenderLayoutItem fieldScreenRenderLayoutItem)

Validate from parameters given an existing issue (usually invoked during some sort of edit stage)

Protected Methods

protected Object getRelevantParams (Map params)