


FieldVisibilityManager This is an interface for the old FieldVisibilityBean. 
RequestParameterKeys Stores a number of constants used to reference keys in the HttpServletRequest. 
SessionKeys Keys and constants used (usually) to store objects in scopes (request / session etc)  


CookieNames Names of HTTP cookies. 
ExecutingHttpRequest This has a thread local that contains the currently executing javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

It is set in the entry filter and set back to null at the end of the filter chain 
FieldVisibilityManagerImpl This is just the FieldVisiblityBean renamed and getting its dependencies injected via PICO constructor injection 
JiraMultipartRequestWrapper Wrapper class so that we can parse and replace special characters in the request params. 
ServletContextProvider A means to acquire the ServletContext. 
ServletContextProviderListener The listener implementation to acquire and hold the ServletContext.