


BulkMoveHelper Interface for methods to help out with some calculations for Bulk Move operations. 
NonZipExpandableExtensions Represents a list of file extensions which should not be expanded as a zip, even if the underlying file is a compressed zip file. 
TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory.Style Represents a style of TimeTrackingGraphBean that this factory can create. 


ApplicationPropertiesBackedNonZipExpandableExtensions An implementation of NonZipExpandableExtensions that is backed by a jira application property. 
BulkEditBean Used in the BulkEdit Wizard Stores in session: currentStep action selected and values associated with that action issues selected  
BulkEditBeanImpl Implementation of BulkEditBean. 
BulkMoveHelper.DistinctValueResult Represents a distinct project attribute value (i.e. 
ConvertIssueToSubTaskBean Convert issue to sub-task bean  
CustomIssueXMLViewFieldsBean Purpose of this class is to enable custom XML issue views. 
DefaultBulkMoveHelper Default implementation of the BulkMoveHelper interface. 

A simple bean to help issuefields.jsp do the job of passing the displayParameters map to getCreateHtml(webwork.action.Action, com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.OperationContext, com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue, java.util.Map)

FieldVisibilityBean This class is deprecated. You should get a FieldVisibiltyManager dependency injected via PICO rather than creating one of these manually. This class will not be available via dependency injection in the future. Since v4.0  
I18nBean In an attempt to make use of our I18n-cache this was turned into a flyweight that delegates to the properly BackingI18n that lives in the caching factory. 
I18nBean.CachingFactory As the name implies: a factory that caches I18nBeans. 
MoveIssueBean Bean recording new data for issue  
MultiBulkMoveBean A bean that stores multiple BulkEditBean  
MultiBulkMoveBeanImpl Implementation of MultiBulkMoveBean. 
PagerFilter<T> This is a super class that implements paging for browsers. 
PermissionCheckBean This bean class allows for "concise" permission checks to be made. 
ShareTypeRendererBean Helper class that is used to render share types. 
StatisticAccessorBean.Direction Enumerated type for sort direction. 
StatisticAccessorBean.OrderBy Enumerated type for ordering of statistics. 
StatisticMapWrapper<K, N extends Number> This is used to store the statistics retrieved by the StatisticAccessorBean. 
TaskDescriptorBean<V> A UI styler bean to help format up a TaskDescriptor
TimeTrackingGraphBean Represents some tracking information so that it may be rendered. 
TimeTrackingGraphBean.Parameters A simple parameter object to keep the number of constructor arguments down. 
TimeTrackingGraphBeanFactory Factory that can create TimeTrackingGraphBean instances. 