

This package contains the main APIs for interacting with gadgets.


GadgetRequestContextFactory Provides methods for constructing GadgetRequestContext instances from various sources. 

A simple representation of a container of gadget spec URIs. 

GadgetSpecUrlChecker Models permission and validation checks on gadget specs. 
LocalGadgetSpecProvider A provider of gadget specs that are avaiable locally, without making an HTTP request to fetch them. 


GadgetId Representation of the identifier for a particular gadget. 
GadgetRequestContext Holds information associated with a gadget request that the system will need to use. 
GadgetRequestContext.Builder A builder that facilitates construction of GadgetRequestContext objects. 

An immutable representation of a gadget. 

GadgetState.Builder A builder that allows you to set the Color and the user preferences of the GadgetState under construction. 
GadgetState.SpecUriBuilder A builder that allows you to set the spec URI of the gadget state under construction  


Vote Votes are used in the gadget system to determine whether a user is allowed to perform certain actions, such as seeing a gadget in the gadget browser or being allowed to render a gadget on their dashboard. 


GadgetNotFoundException Thrown if the gadget identified by the GadgetId does not exist. 
GadgetParsingException Thrown when the gadget spec is malformed or cannot be parsed for other reasons. 
GadgetSpecUriNotAllowedException Thrown when a gadget spec URI is not valid for rendering on the dashboard.