public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Provides methods that convert between edit and storage formats.


Public Methods
EmbeddedImage convertEditToEmbeddedImage(String editFragment, ConversionContext context)
Returns a EmbeddedImage from the supplied editFragment.
Link convertEditToLink(String editFragment, ConversionContext context)
Returns a MacroDefinition from the supplied editFragment.
MacroDefinition convertEditToMacroDefinition(String editFragment, ConversionContext context)
Returns a MacroDefinition from the supplied editFragment.
String convertEditToStorage(String editFragment, ConversionContext context)
Returns an storage format fragment for the supplied editFragment.
String convertEmbeddedImageToEdit(EmbeddedImage embeddedImage, ConversionContext context)
Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied embeddedImage.
String convertLinkToEdit(Link link, ConversionContext context)
Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied link.
String convertMacroDefinitionToEdit(MacroDefinition macroDefinition, ConversionContext context)
Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied macroDefinition.
String convertStorageToEdit(String storageFragment, ConversionContext context)
Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied storageFragment.
String convertWikiToEdit(String wikiContent, ConversionContext context)
Returns the XHTML edit format equivalent of the supplied wikiContent (Wiki markup).

Public Methods

public EmbeddedImage convertEditToEmbeddedImage (String editFragment, ConversionContext context)

Returns a EmbeddedImage from the supplied editFragment.

editFragment which should be the edit format definition of the embedded image (as XHTML rather than HTML).
context for the conversion.
  • the EmbeddedImage represented by the supplied editFragment.
XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the edit fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the EmbeddedImage.

public Link convertEditToLink (String editFragment, ConversionContext context)

Returns a MacroDefinition from the supplied editFragment.

editFragment which should be the edit format definition of the link (as XML rather than HTML).
context for the conversion.
  • the MacroDefinition.
XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the edit fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the Link.

public MacroDefinition convertEditToMacroDefinition (String editFragment, ConversionContext context)

Returns a MacroDefinition from the supplied editFragment.

editFragment which should be the edit format definition of the macro (as XML rather than HTML).
context for the conversion.
  • the MacroDefinition.
XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the edit fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the MacroDefinition.

public String convertEditToStorage (String editFragment, ConversionContext context)

Returns an storage format fragment for the supplied editFragment.

editFragment to be converted (for example the body of a macro).
context for the conversion.
  • the storage format fragment.
XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the edit fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the storage fragment.

public String convertEmbeddedImageToEdit (EmbeddedImage embeddedImage, ConversionContext context)

Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied embeddedImage.

embeddedImage that describes the resource (such as an image).
context for the conversion.
  • the edit format fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the fragment.

public String convertLinkToEdit (Link link, ConversionContext context)

Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied link.

link that describes the link.
context for the conversion.
  • the edit format fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the fragment.

public String convertMacroDefinitionToEdit (MacroDefinition macroDefinition, ConversionContext context)

Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied macroDefinition.

The body of the macro definition is expected to be in storage format. It will be transformed to editor format as part of the conversion carried out in this method.

macroDefinition that describes the macro. The body of this macro definition (returned by getBody() is expected to be in storage format.
context for the conversion.
  • the edit format fragment (HTML rather than XML).
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the fragment.

public String convertStorageToEdit (String storageFragment, ConversionContext context)

Returns an edit format fragment for the supplied storageFragment.

storageFragment to be converted (for example the body of a macro).
context for the conversion.
  • the edit format fragment (HTML rather than XML).
XMLStreamException if there was a problem reading the storage fragment.
XhtmlException if there was a problem creating the edit fragment.

public String convertWikiToEdit (String wikiContent, ConversionContext context)

Returns the XHTML edit format equivalent of the supplied wikiContent (Wiki markup).

wikiContent to be converted.
context for the conversion.
  • the XHTML storage format equivalent.
XhtmlException if there are any problems during the conversion.