public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Provides services for dynamically changing the behaviour of Atlassian User library.


Public Methods
void changeUserConfigurationType(UserConfigurationType configurationType, Properties crowdProperties)
Changes the application to use a new configuration at runtime.
Properties getCrowdProperties()
Returns Crowd related properties.
UserConfigurationType getUserConfigurationType()
Returns Atlassian User configuration type that is currently active.
boolean isCrowdPropertyWritable(String crowdPropertyName)
Returns true if the given Crowd property can be modified.
boolean isCustomConfigurationAvailable()
Returns true if a custom Atlassian User configuration file is available.
void reloadUserConfiguration()
Reloads user configuration using the current configuration.

Public Methods

public void changeUserConfigurationType (UserConfigurationType configurationType, Properties crowdProperties)

Changes the application to use a new configuration at runtime.

configurationType new configuration type to use
crowdProperties new crowd configuration properties to use
IOException if the configuration could not be updated
ConfigurationException if the configuration could not be loaded

public Properties getCrowdProperties ()

Returns Crowd related properties.

  • Crowd related properties

public UserConfigurationType getUserConfigurationType ()

Returns Atlassian User configuration type that is currently active.

  • configuration type that is currently active

public boolean isCrowdPropertyWritable (String crowdPropertyName)

Returns true if the given Crowd property can be modified.

crowdPropertyName Crowd property name
  • true if the given Crowd property can be modified

public boolean isCustomConfigurationAvailable ()

Returns true if a custom Atlassian User configuration file is available.

  • true if a custom Atlassian User configuration file is available

public void reloadUserConfiguration ()

Reloads user configuration using the current configuration.

IOException if the configuration could not be loaded
ConfigurationException if the configuration could not be loaded