public interface


Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Interface defining that the navigation context is available for the UI and hense the plan navigator can be displayed


Public Methods
@Nullable String getChainEquiv()
@Nullable String getJobEquiv()
NavigationContext getNavigationContext()
String getNavigationUrl()
The url of the current action.
void setNavigationContext(NavigationContext context)
Set the current context for this action

Public Methods

@Nullable public String getChainEquiv ()

  • the chain equivilant url to this action (if you wish to explicitly define one)

@Nullable public String getJobEquiv ()

  • the job equivilant url to this action (if you wish to explicitly define one)

public NavigationContext getNavigationContext ()

  • the context for this action

public String getNavigationUrl ()

The url of the current action.

public void setNavigationContext (NavigationContext context)

Set the current context for this action