public interface


implements BambooObject Comparable<T>
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Represents a test in a plan. A TestCase belongs to a TestClass. And when this test is run it will produce a TestCaseResult


Public Methods
@NotNull TestCase copyTestCase()
Creates a copy of the TestCase.
long getAverageDuration()
long getAverageDurationInSeconds()
int getFirstRanBuildNumber()
int getLastRanBuildNumber()
String getMethodName()
Returns a sentence describing the test, derived from the method name of the test.
String getName()
int getNumberOfFailedRuns()
int getNumberOfSuccessRuns()
@Nullable QuarantineStatistics getQuarantineStatistics()
double getSuccessPercentage()
TestClass getTestClass()
int getTotalTestRuns()
boolean isQuarantined()
void setAverageDuration(long averageDuration)
void setFirstRanBuildNumber(int firstRanBuildNumber)
void setLastRanBuildNumber(int lastRanBuildNumber)
void setNumberOfFailedRuns(int numberOfFailedRuns)
void setNumberOfSuccessRuns(int numberOfSuccessRuns)
void setQuarantineStatistics(String quarantineUser, Date quarantineDate)
void setQuarantineStatistics(QuarantineStatistics quarantineStatistics)
void setTestClass(TestClass testClass)
Set the testClass this test case belongs to
Inherited Methods
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooIdProvider
From interface com.atlassian.bamboo.core.BambooObject
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Public Methods

@NotNull public TestCase copyTestCase ()

Creates a copy of the TestCase. Note that it does not include TestClass

  • copyOfTestCase

public long getAverageDuration ()

  • the average duration in milliseconds of this test case for all test runs.

public long getAverageDurationInSeconds ()

  • the average duration in seconds of this test case for all test runs.

public int getFirstRanBuildNumber ()

  • the build number that this test was first run in.

public int getLastRanBuildNumber ()

  • the most recent build that this test was part of

public String getMethodName ()

Returns a sentence describing the test, derived from the method name of the test.

  • The sentence

public String getName ()

  • The true name of the test case

public int getNumberOfFailedRuns ()

  • the number of times this test has run and failed

public int getNumberOfSuccessRuns ()

  • the number of times this test has run successfully

@Nullable public QuarantineStatistics getQuarantineStatistics ()

public double getSuccessPercentage ()

  • how successful this test case has been. (success runs / total runs)

public TestClass getTestClass ()

  • the TestClass the testcase belongs to

public int getTotalTestRuns ()

  • the total number of times this test has run.

public boolean isQuarantined ()

public void setAverageDuration (long averageDuration)

public void setFirstRanBuildNumber (int firstRanBuildNumber)

public void setLastRanBuildNumber (int lastRanBuildNumber)

public void setNumberOfFailedRuns (int numberOfFailedRuns)

public void setNumberOfSuccessRuns (int numberOfSuccessRuns)

public void setQuarantineStatistics (String quarantineUser, Date quarantineDate)

public void setQuarantineStatistics (QuarantineStatistics quarantineStatistics)

public void setTestClass (TestClass testClass)

Set the testClass this test case belongs to

testClass the test case belongs to