


FileFactory Simple strategy interface for creating new files  
FileSpool Interface for file based spools. 
Spool Class that implement this interface will spool data from the provided InputStream, and return a new InputStream to the spooled data. 
ThresholdingSpool Implemented by spools that switch behaviour based on the number of bytes spooled  


BufferedFileSpool Spool bytes via buffered file streams. 
ByteArraySpool A very simple spool that uses a ByteArray buffer. 
DefaultSpoolFileFactory Default file factory for spooling. 

An output stream which will retain data in memory until a specified threshold is reached, and only then commit it to disk. 

DeferredSpool Thresholding spool that uses a DeferredSpoolFileOutputStream for spooling, allowing for a balance between memory usage and speed. 
DeferredSpoolFileOutputStream This specialisation of DeferredFileOutputStream may be configured with a FileFactory so that files are only created once the deferred threshold is reached. 
SmartSpool Spool that delegates to the overThresholdSpool immediately if InputStream::available() is greater than the threshold of the secondary Thresholding spool. 
SpoolFileInputStream A FileInputStream that deletes its input file when closed.