public interface


implements HostApplication
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Injectable component interface that is implemented by the host application and contains the application specific logic to determine the application's capabilities.

This component is injected into each applinks-core module that requires knowledge of the host application (such as the manifest publisher).

Custom (non-Atlassian) host applications must publish a public component that implements this interface.

TODO: compute and use a user db hash? See


Public Methods
abstract boolean canManageEntityLinksFor(EntityReference entityReference)
abstract boolean doesEntityExist(String key, Class<? extends EntityType> type)
abstract boolean doesEntityExistNoPermissionCheck(String key, Class<? extends EntityType> type)
abstract URI getDocumentationBaseUrl()
abstract Iterable<EntityReference> getLocalEntities()
abstract String getName()
abstract Iterable<Class<? extends AuthenticationProvider>> getSupportedInboundAuthenticationTypes()
abstract Iterable<Class<? extends AuthenticationProvider>> getSupportedOutboundAuthenticationTypes()
abstract ApplicationType getType()
abstract boolean hasPublicSignup()
abstract EntityReference toEntityReference(String key, Class<? extends EntityType> type)
abstract EntityReference toEntityReference(Object domainObject)
Inherited Methods
From interface

Public Methods

public abstract boolean canManageEntityLinksFor (EntityReference entityReference)

entityReference an EntityReference representing an entity contained in the local application instance.
  • true if the current user has permission to link or unlink the specified EntityReference to other entities, false otherwise. Typically this method will return true if the current user is a global administrator, or a 'project administrator' for the specified entity.

public abstract boolean doesEntityExist (String key, Class<? extends EntityType> type)

key the key of an entity local to this application (e.g. JRA, CONF)
type the class of the EntityType of the entity (e.g. JiraProjectEntityType)
  • true, if the specified entity exists, false otherwise. Note, the implementation must perform a permission check and return true if, and only if, the specified entity exists and is visible to the context user (who may be anonymous). For a variant on this method without permission checking, use doesEntityExistNoPermissionCheck(String, Class).

public abstract boolean doesEntityExistNoPermissionCheck (String key, Class<? extends EntityType> type)

key the key of an entity local to this application (e.g. JRA, CONF)
type the class of the EntityType of the entity (e.g. JiraProjectEntityType)

public abstract URI getDocumentationBaseUrl ()

  • an absolute URI used as the base for constructing links to help pages. e.g. or The returned URI should not have a trailing slash.

public abstract Iterable<EntityReference> getLocalEntities ()

  • an Iterable containing an EntityReference for every entity in the local instance visible to the currently logged in user. Note, the implementation must perform a permission check and return only entities visible the context user (who may be anonymous).

public abstract String getName ()

  • the name of this application instance, e.g. "My JIRA Server". If this application type doesn't support customising the name of the instance, implementations should delegate to InstanceNameGenerator to generate a name from the application's base URL.

public abstract Iterable<Class<? extends AuthenticationProvider>> getSupportedInboundAuthenticationTypes ()

  • an Iterable of AuthenticationProvider classes enumerating the inbound authentication methods supported by this application (used to authenticate requests made to this application instance).

public abstract Iterable<Class<? extends AuthenticationProvider>> getSupportedOutboundAuthenticationTypes ()

  • an Iterable of AuthenticationProvider classes enumerating the outbound authentication methods supported by this application (used to authenticate requests made by this application instance to remote applications).

public abstract ApplicationType getType ()

  • the ApplicationType for this application instance. Implementations should delegate to the TypeAccessor to resolve an instance of the desired type.

public abstract boolean hasPublicSignup ()

  • true if the host application allows public signup, false otherwise.

public abstract EntityReference toEntityReference (String key, Class<? extends EntityType> type)

key the key of a local entity (e.g. "JRA", "FECRUDEV", "CR-BAM")
type the class of the EntityType of the entity (e.g. JiraProjectEntityType)
  • an EntityReference initialised with the key and type of the supplied domain object. This method need not perform any permission checking. Implementations should delegate to the TypeAccessor to resolve an instance of the specified EntityType.

public abstract EntityReference toEntityReference (Object domainObject)

domainObject an entity domain object from the application's API (e.g. com.atlassian.jira.project.Project, com.atlassian.confluence.spaces.Space). Implementations are free to choose which objects supported by this class, but the complete list should be maintained on the EntityLinkService javadoc.
  • an EntityReference initialised with the key and type of the supplied domain object. This method need not perform any permission checking. Implementations should delegate to the TypeAccessor to resolve an instance of the desired EntityType.