


ConsumerTokenStoreService The ConsumerTokenStoreService is a wrapper around the com.atlassian.oauth.consumer.ConsumerTokenStore and com.atlassian.oauth.consumer.ConsumerService, it takes care of adding / removing / retrieving consumer tokens. 
ServiceProviderStoreService This is a wrapper around the com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider.ServiceProviderConsumerStore and the com.atlassian.oauth.serviceprovider.ServiceProviderTokenStore. 


OAuthApplinksServlet This servlet 'manages' the OAuth dance, consisting of the following steps: 1) Obtain a request token from the remote application 2) Redirect the user to the remote application and ask for authorization 3) Wait for the redirect by the remote application and swap the request token for an access token afterwards 4) Notify the user that authorization was successfully and he can continue with his operation. 
OAuthAuthenticatorProviderPluginModule The OAuthAuthenticatorProviderPluginModule returns a OAuthRequestFactoryImpl to make authenticated requests using OAuth and also contains the logic to determine the correct URL for the configuration UI. 
OAuthConfigListener This event listener listens to the BeforeApplicationLinkDeletedEvent event and clears other oauth configuration stores when an application link gets deleted. 
OAuthHelper A helper class that detects, if the remote application has the Atlassian OAuth plugin installed and can also fetch the consumer information from this application. 
OAuthOrphanedTrustDetector Finds orphaned OAuth consumers (that is, they are stored locally but are not related to a configured ApplicationLink
OAuthRequestFactoryImpl * atlassian-plugin.xml excerpt: {@code  
ServiceProviderUtil Creates service provider URL for a service provider that has the atlassian oauth plugin installed. 


OAuthPermissionDeniedException Thrown when a user refuses to permit an OAuth consumer to access protected resources.