

API classes and components for interacting with the AppLinks plugin.


ApplicationLink Represents a link to a remote application-level entity (JIRA, Confluence, Bamboo, etc). 

A request object preconfigured with authentication information for the Application Link it was created for. 

ApplicationLinkRequestFactory Provides authenticated ApplicationLinkRequest objects. 
ApplicationLinkResponseHandler<R> Callback interface used by execute(ApplicationLinkResponseHandler) method. 
ApplicationLinkService Provides methods for retrieving ApplicationLinks representing linked applications (e.g. 
ApplicationLinkUIService Generates HTML fragments to support a standardized UX for displaying and controlling application link status. 
ApplicationLinkUIService.MessageBuilder An HTML fragment builder returned by authorisationRequest(ApplicationLink)
ApplicationType Represents the type of an ApplicationLink
AuthorisationAdminURIGenerator Used to generate URIs for users to view or revoke their credentials for an authorised application link. 
AuthorisationURIGenerator Used to generate URIs for users to supply credentials to AuthenticationProviders. 
EntityLink Represents a link to a remote entity (Project, Space, Repository, etc). 

Provides methods for retrieving entities from linked applications that are associated with local entities (e.g. 

EntityType Represents the type of an EntityLink
PropertySet Provides access to settings. 
SubvertedEntityLinkService Provides methods to bypass permission checking when retrieving entity links. 


ApplicationId The unique ID of an ApplicationLink




Thrown by createRequest(Request.MethodType, String) when the endpoint requires authentication, but no credentials are available. 

TypeNotInstalledException Thrown if the requested ApplicationLink or EntityLink's ApplicationType or EntityType is currently not installed.