Package com.atlassian.confluence.impl.backuprestore.restore.stash
package com.atlassian.confluence.impl.backuprestore.restore.stash
ClassDescriptionAllows to temporarily "stash" imported objects and read them later.Creates an instance of ImportedObjectsStash which is responsible for temporarily keeping plenty of imported objects.Creates an instance of ImportedObjectsStash.Allows to temporarily "stash" imported objects and then read them.IOFriendlyFunction<T,
R> Like a regular Function but allows to throw IOExceptionThis class extends the ObjectInputStream class and overrides the resolveClass method.Reads objects from a storage and returns instances of ImportedObjectV2.Implementation of StashObjectsReader that reads data from the file where each object is stored in the format: 4 bytes: object length (N) N bytes: object itself When the end of stash is reached, the stash is closed and the file is removed automatically.Serialises and deserializes instances of ImportedObjectV2 to the byte arrays.Writes ImportedObjectV2 objects to a storage.Implementation of StashObjectsWriter that stores data to the file where each object is stored in the format: 4 bytes: object length (N) N bytes: object itself