Class WebMenu


public class WebMenu extends Object
Represents a menu in the Confluence web interface. The menu has an ID for styling purposes and a list of sections. Each section is a WebMenuSection.
  • Constructor Details

    • WebMenu

      public WebMenu(String id)
  • Method Details

    • getId

      public String getId()
      the ID of this menu, primarily designed for styling in the web interface
    • addSection

      public void addSection(String sectionName, String label, String ariaLabel, List<? extends com.atlassian.plugin.web.api.descriptors.WebItemModuleDescriptor> items)
      Adds a section to the menu with the given name and list of items. If the item list is empty, no section is added to the menu.
      sectionName - the name of the section, used for ID and class name generation
      label - the i18n label for the section
      ariaLabel - the i18n aria-label for the menu
      items - the list of items in the menu section
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      true if the menu has no sections, otherwise false. Note that addSection(String, String, String, List) does not allow the addition of empty sections.
    • getSections

      public List<WebMenuSection> getSections()
      the list of sections in this menu
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object