Class PhraseQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
Expandable<SearchQuery>, SearchQuery

@SearchPrimitive public class PhraseQuery extends Object implements SearchQuery
A query which matches by phrases.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PhraseQuery

      public PhraseQuery(String fieldName, String text, int slop, AnalyzerDescriptorProvider analyzerDescriptorProvider, float boost)
      Create a query which matches by phrases. Text can be analysed prior to search.
      fieldName - the name of the field to query
      text - the phrase for matching on the field value
      slop - the maximum allowable edit distance of the field value to match the text
      analyzerDescriptorProvider - description of how to analyse the text before search. Remaining terms from analysis are positionally incremented by 1 in left to right order.
      boost - boost to the scores of matching documents
    • PhraseQuery

      public PhraseQuery(String fieldName, String text, int slop, AnalyzerDescriptorProvider analyzerDescriptorProvider)
      Create a query which matches by phrases. Text can be analysed prior to search.
      fieldName - the name of the field to query
      text - the phrase for matching on the field value
      slop - the maximum allowable edit distance of the field value to match the text
      analyzerDescriptorProvider - description of how to analyse the text before search. Remaining terms from analysis are positionally incremented by 1 in left to right order.
    • PhraseQuery

      public PhraseQuery(String fieldName, String text, int slop)
      Create a query which matches by phrases. Text is analysed by Confluence specified analysis prior to search.
      fieldName - the name of the field to query
      text - the phrase for matching on the field value
      slop - the maximum allowable edit distance of the field value to match the text
  • Method Details