Class FlushStatistics

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class FlushStatistics extends Object implements Serializable
A simple statistics object that holds details for an index flushing.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FlushStatistics

      public FlushStatistics()
  • Method Details

    • reset

      protected void reset()
      Reset this flush instance.
    • getElapsedMilliseconds

      public long getElapsedMilliseconds()
      Retrieved the elapsed time for the flush.
    • getQueueSize

      public long getQueueSize()
      Retrieve the number of elements processed by the latest flush.
    • wasRecreated

      public boolean wasRecreated()
    • getStarted

      public Date getStarted()
      Get the start time.
    • getFinished

      public Date getFinished()
    • setStarted

      public void setStarted(Date started)
    • setFinished

      public void setFinished(Date finished)
    • setQueueSize

      public void setQueueSize(long queueSize)
    • setRecreated

      public void setRecreated(boolean recreated)