All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTab, AllContentTab, FavouriteSpacesTab, NetworkTab, PopularTab, SpaceCategoryTab

public interface RecentlyUpdatedMacroTab
A tab on the dashboard recently-updated list.
  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      the identifier for this tab. Should be a short, lowercase string that is unique to each tab.
    • getDisplayName

      String getDisplayName()
      the internationalised name for this tab, specific to the user currently viewing the tab.
    • getNoContentMessage

      String getNoContentMessage()
      the internationalised message to display when this tab has no content.
    • shouldDisplay

      boolean shouldDisplay(com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext renderContext)
      renderContext - The macro rendering context
      true if the tab should be visible in the provided context.
    • getQueryParameters

      RecentUpdateQueryParameters getQueryParameters(RecentlyUpdatedMacroParams macroParams, RecentlyUpdatedMacroRequestParams requestParams, com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext renderContext)
      macroParams - Settings passed in via macro parameters
      requestParams - Settings passed in via request parameters
      renderContext - The macro rendering context
      the query parameters that are used to display search results on this tab.
    • getRenderContext

      Map<String,Object> getRenderContext(RecentlyUpdatedMacroRequestParams requestParams, com.atlassian.renderer.RenderContext renderContext)
      Gives each tab a chance to add things to the macro's rendering context
      requestParams - Settings passed in via request parameters
      renderContext - Settings passed in via macro parameters
      A map of key/value pairs that the tab wants added to the Velocity context
    • getUrl

      String getUrl()
      Given the page URL where the macro is rendered, generates a URL to select this tab.
      The URL to select this tab