Interface CssResourceCounterManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CssResourceCounterManager
  • Method Details

    • getGlobalCssResourceCounter

      int getGlobalCssResourceCounter()
      Get the resource counter for the global CSS file. This counter should be updated every time there is a change to the global theme or colour scheme.
    • getSpaceCssResourceCounter

      int getSpaceCssResourceCounter(String spaceKey)
      Get the resource counter for a particular space's CSS file. This counter should be updated every time there is a change to the space's theme or colour scheme.
      spaceKey - the key of the space we're viewing the CSS for, or null for the global CSS.
    • invalidateGlobalCssResourceCounter

      void invalidateGlobalCssResourceCounter()
      Cause the manager to start sending out new values for the global CSS resource counter.
    • invalidateSpaceCssResourceCounter

      void invalidateSpaceCssResourceCounter(String spaceKey)
      Cause the manager to start sending out new values for the space's CSS resource counter.
      spaceKey - the key of the space that has had its CSS changed