Interface AbstractPageDao

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@Transactional(readOnly=true) public interface AbstractPageDao
  • Method Details

    • getAbstractPageById

      AbstractPage getAbstractPageById(long id)
      Retrieves an AbstractPage for the specified id
    • getAbstractPageByIds

      List<AbstractPage> getAbstractPageByIds(Iterable<Long> ids)
      Retrieves a list of AbstractPage for the list of id
    • getOrderedXhtmlContentFromContentId

      List<ContentEntityObject> getOrderedXhtmlContentFromContentId(long startContentId, long endContentId, int maxRows)
      Gets the latest versions of AbstractPages between the given IDs limited by the specified number of rows. Sorted by IDs in ascending order.
      startContentId - The minimum ID
      endContentId - The maximum ID
      maxRows - The maximum number of rows to return
      A list of CEOs that match the criteria.
    • getCountOfLatestXhtmlContent

      int getCountOfLatestXhtmlContent(long endContentId)
      Count the number of AbstractPages that have an ID lower than the specified ID, excluding older versions.
      endContentId - The maximum ID
      The number of AbstractPages that have IDs lower than the specified ID
    • getHighestCeoId

      long getHighestCeoId()
      Get the highest content ID in the database, excluding older versions of content.
      The highest content ID
    • getPreviousVersionsOfPageWithTaskId

      List<ContentEntityObject> getPreviousVersionsOfPageWithTaskId(long pageId, long taskId, int maxRows)
      Get previous versions of a CEO that contain the given task ID sorted by versions in descending order.
      pageId - The ID of the latest version of the page
      taskId - The task ID to look for in previous versions
      maxRows - The maximum number of previous versions to return
      A maximum of maxRows previous versions of the page that contain the given taskId
    • getStaleSharedDrafts

      List<ContentEntityObject> getStaleSharedDrafts()
      Get all stale shared drafts in the database. These are drafts where the lastModified date is before the current version of the page
      A list containing the stale shared drafts.