Class MacroSummary


public class MacroSummary extends Object
  • Method Details

    • getMacroName

      public String getMacroName()
    • getPluginKey

      public String getPluginKey()
    • getIcon

      public MacroIcon getIcon()
      the MacroIcon , containing the url string to the macro icon and whether or not the URL is relative. Can return null.
    • getTitle

      public Message getTitle()
    • getDescription

      public Message getDescription()
    • getAliases

      public Set<String> getAliases()
      Returns aliases for this macro.

      Aliases are other macro names that can be substituted for the "main" macro name. For example "web-widget" can be used instead of "widget" for the "Widget Connector" macro. Only the "main" name is used by the macro-browser, so we use the Strings returned by this method to edit in the macro-browser those macros with an alias in their markup.

      a set of strings that are aliases of the macro name.
    • getCategories

      public Set<String> getCategories()
      Returns categories this macro should be displayed within in the Macro Browser.

      Categories allow macros to be browsed instead of searched. The Macro Browser has a list view where all macros for a given category are displayed, and adding the category name to the set returned from this method displays this macro in that category list.

      a set of strings that are names of MacroCategory enum objects.
    • isBodyDeprecated

      public boolean isBodyDeprecated()
      true if the body of the macro is deprecated (defined the macro configuration). Use this method to take precedence over the Macro.hasBody() implementation.
    • isHidden

      public boolean isHidden()
      true if this metadata should not appear in the Macro Browser.
    • getAlternateId

      public String getAlternateId()
    • getButtons

      public List<MacroPropertyPanelButton> getButtons()
    • isAnyParameterRequired

      public boolean isAnyParameterRequired()
    • isAlwaysShowConfig

      public boolean isAlwaysShowConfig()
      If a macro is inserted that has required fields, we show the macro configuration dialog. In some cases, we may want to force the configuration dialog to appear even if there are no required fields.
      true if the macro configuration dialog should appear.
    • getGadgetUrl

      public String getGadgetUrl()