Interface EditableLabelable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractLabelableEntityObject, AbstractPage, Attachment, BlogPost, Comment, ContentEntityObject, CustomContentEntityObject, Draft, GlobalDescription, Page, PageTemplate, PersonalInformation, ReadOnlyAttachment, ReadOnlySpaceDescription, SpaceContentEntityObject, SpaceDescription

public interface EditableLabelable extends Labelable
An interface which extends the immutable interface of Labelable with functionality to be able to add and remove labels.

This interface is not generally for public consumption, clients should use the LabelManager to add and remove Labels to instances of Labelable.

  • Method Details

    • addLabelling

      void addLabelling(Labelling content)
    • removeLabelling

      void removeLabelling(Labelling labelling)
    • getLabellings

      List<Labelling> getLabellings()
    • getId

      long getId()
    • isPersistent

      boolean isPersistent()
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()