Interface ContentEntityObjectDaoInternal

Type Parameters:
T - The type of ContentEntityObject this Dao works with.
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

@Transactional public interface ContentEntityObjectDaoInternal extends ContentEntityObjectDao
A Dao for ContentEntityObjects.
  • Method Details

    • findContentBySpaceIdAndStatusAndFilter

      @Transactional(readOnly=true) default PageResponse<SpaceContentEntityObject> findContentBySpaceIdAndStatusAndFilter(long spaceId, String status, LimitedRequest limitedRequest, Predicate<? super SpaceContentEntityObject> predicate)
      Retrieve content for a given space with a particular status. Results will be sorted by descending date of last modification.
      spaceId - the id of the space
      status - the status of the content being retrieved (e.g. ContentEntityObject.DELETED
      limitedRequest - - the start and offset of the pages to retrieve
      predicate - - a predicate to filter the returned results by
      a PageResponse of ContentEntityObjects in the space with the given status
    • getTrashedEntities

      @Transactional(readOnly=true) List<SpaceContentEntityObject> getTrashedEntities(long contentIdOffset, int limit)
      Retrieve a batch of trashed content entities
      contentIdOffset - ids of returned entities must be greater than or equal to this value
      limit - maximum number of entities to return
    • saveRawWithoutReindex

      void saveRawWithoutReindex(com.atlassian.core.bean.EntityObject objectToSave)

      This is for internal use only, Do not rely on it as a public API.

      Perform a saveRaw but without performing the re-index; it is unnecessary in the context of a migration or upgrade.

    • findByClassIds

      List<ContentEntityObject> findByClassIds(Set<Long> ids, LimitedRequest limitedRequest)
    • remove

      void remove(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject)
    • refresh

      void refresh(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject)
    • saveRaw

      void saveRaw(ContentEntityObject contentEntityObject)
      saves the object. if the object is new, this won't set the creation date on the object. if it already exists, then it won't set the date that it was updated.