Interface FullReindexManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

@LuceneIndependent @Internal public interface FullReindexManager
Responsible for triggering full reindex operation with necessary state management. Please note, this manager is not tied to single particular index, it works globally on all SearchIndex.
  • Method Details

    • reIndex

      ReIndexTask reIndex()
      Triggers a system-wide reindex of all content and changes. Entities are loaded from the database. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
    • reIndex

      ReIndexTask reIndex(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options)
      Triggers a system-wide reindex with specified options. Entities are loaded from the database. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
    • reIndex

      ReIndexTask reIndex(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options, SearchQuery searchQuery)
      Triggers a system-wide re-index where entities are loaded using provided searchQuery. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
      options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
      searchQuery - A query that is used to load the entities to be re-indexed.
    • getLastReindexingTask

      @Nullable ReIndexTask getLastReindexingTask()
      Retrieve the last reindexing task. This task will provide all of the information required to track the progress/state of the reindexing process.
      the last executed reindex task, or null if no reindex has occured.
    • isReIndexing

      boolean isReIndexing()
      Returns true if the current node is currently performing reindexing.
      true if full reindex is in progress, false otherwise.
    • unIndexAll

      void unIndexAll()
      Drop everything from the search index. If the operation can't be performed, does nothing.
    • reIndex

      ReIndexTask reIndex(EnumSet<ReIndexOption> options, @NonNull List<String> spaceKeys)
      Triggers a re-index where entities are loaded using provided searchQuery. If reindex is already in progress, returns its stats.
      options - Optional. Allows a subset of all searchable content to be re-indexed.
      spaceKeys - Keys of the spaces to be re-indexed
      the ReIndexTask
    • isJournalFlushSuspended

      boolean isJournalFlushSuspended()
      Gets whether journal flush is currently suspended
      true if journal flush is currently suspended